


Loveless start ~ Loveless end.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 01.11.2012 06:13

Again I feel like I don't want to sleep

At first it felt like just a normal idealistic series of dreams

I had a funeral office with my brother and our marketing ticket was...

We were able to take over the dead body

So that people were able to say their last goodbyes

We wouldn't create soul connection a body that was dead for over 36 hours

In simple you loan your soul's strength to keep the body moving

The original person is still there and able to talk, the last moments can be made "happy" and then we just turn off the switch

The business ran without any problems

However... The second dream...

When you get a client you once knew and loved... It turned to a nightmare...

We had her body in our custody the timeline was about to close up...

But because of personal feelings I said we can pull this off...

My brother did the connection...

The first 3 hours of visits and goodbyes went alright...

Next 2 hours she started to show confusion and disarray about her being...

We headed back to kill the soul connection...

Gave her to have her last hot shower...

Then she said she felt cold, bad...

I thought I'd get to have my chance say goodbye too but...

This time I would have to do it cold and professionally...

The shower drain was all covered in blood

Her skin cells had deteriorated so much it didn't hold any liquid inside

She screamed she felt cold

This is what we were always afraid that would happen when a body goes overtime

And when you know your once loved would leave this world terrified and mentally ruined

This isn't why our office was founded

Unprofessionally I...

Told her to ignore it all and she would be at rest after she would sit down in front of my brother and listen 2 sentences...


Kissed her even though it had myself covered in blood and possibly I could get sick but...

I don't know... She was quiet after that...

Sat down and had us finish the ritual...

And I woke up crying... Something good can turn to a personal nightmare... I wish I could break away from need to sleep. I never know when a dream like that is supposed to be a random dream or is it supposed to tell me something... Neither awake, nor asleep seems to be safe...
The funny thing however, I remember this dream from very far away from my past, but that time I she hadn't been part of my life... Now the dream hurts... And the realization what the dream possibly meant back then... It hurts even more...
Why didn't that dream show up when it would've helped me to stay away... Why didn't that dream show up so nothing would've ever even started... The useless effort... If the outcome was always to be the same...
Goddess' why do you toy around with me...

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