


Я не говорю по-русски.

Whiskey and sinLauantai 05.06.2010 22:13

Seems I was born to a world full of sin
No matter what card I held
There was more blood to be spilled
So let me tell you one thing
And one simple thing only
Theres more to come, better ready your gun

Pour me whiskey and gin
I was born here to win
To conquer and retell the tale
Pour me vodka and beer
I have come here to steer
This world to a better place

So along this road I've seen
More misery than belief
Yet you all hope for a better world
To me it makes no sense
Don't just wait for a the bell
Sound aloud and let your voice be heard

They poured me whiskey and gin
I was sure I would win
And conquer and retell the tale
But seems all I did do
Was get drunk like a fool
But hey there no shame, lets get drunk and rejoice

All is coming down slow and steady
Still you won't be ready
Just hope for your neighbor to care
Sitting and waiting for the call
Even in the midst of the fall
There's no help on the way, you have failed

But now

Pour us whiskey and gin
You can't help nor win
No hope left for any of us
Pour us vodka and beer
There's nothing to fear
The future is not for us all

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