


Я не говорю по-русски.

Inspiration kicked in Tiistai 12.05.2009 18:15

The blood of Virgin Mary is all I crave
Dripping in the sanctum of my slaves
Cruicified whores and headless nuns
Scream as I aim with my 9mm gun
Empty voices is what I hear
Darkened lips and salty tears
Terror and torture is what I bring
Love to hear the Sirens sing
Gargoyles slowly flying by
Picking the souls of those who died
In Hell they will end up and in agony burn
Underground in their graves they turn
Bloody walls and blood shot eyes
There's no denying they all tell lies
For you now the church bell tolls
When for justice your head rolls

RuåttiiSunnuntai 10.05.2009 12:52

Jag kan inte tolerera mera av detta skit
Hjälper inte ens att dränka det med sprit
Hopplösa mänskor som förvirrar ens tankar
Löjliga påhitt som gör en jävligt förbannad
Lever livet likt en lek där inte fler kan spela med
Kvarblir då de givmildaste som om inget skett
Ensamma i mörkret som ni aldrig sett
Otacksamma jävlar som inget förstår
Fastän man på deras dörrar slår
Visa lite tacksamhet före jag går riktigt het
Tro inte jag kommer tolerera mera bitterhet
Fast spikad i golvet utan en hjälpande hand
Ute i öppna oceanen långt ifrån torra land
Tro inte ni kommer se mig som mig själv mer
Jag kommer byta mask till en som passar sådana som er
Det har nu blivit min tur att förstöra
Att er glädje nu till intet förgöra

Pain is nothing for the saneLauantai 09.05.2009 23:34

They shove you their lies and make you believe
That your nothing but a masked guest that gotta leave
They drench you in their deceit and from that we now seek release

Stand up and let them know
Let them know where the fucking line goes
Recycle your emotions, it's nothing that you need now
You dared to cross it now this is how it will end
The shit hit the fan

Change your mind like heaven changes color by each hour of day
Tell me to wait and leave me out in the cold, I never walked away
Still I'm here, waiting in the rain as joy turns to pain
Hope you're happy now with what you've accomplished
It was my world that was demolished

All I ever did was for the good of us all
Tried to help so you wouldn't fall
Guess you couldn't see through the lies that you, yourself made up
Well I just want you to know that this was it
Ain't got time for more of your shit

Gonna live my life and give my allegiance to only the chosen few
These trained eyes have learned to see through
Doubt has grown strong in my own mind
Trust for you is no where to be found

How could you think I you could use me, hold your grasp around me
I'm not your fucking toy
Inside even I have got a heart, that you now tore apart!
I'm still just a little boy!

Hope you're satisfied with your actions
I surely will show my reflection and let you know
That you're the trash that's getting thrown
This could have ended another way
But you chose to disobey

oUY ll3T I TAHW TA3q3ЯSunnuntai 03.05.2009 16:08

What the reflection dare not show
Is the denial and anger that grows
Inside my mind so flawed I seek the truth
But can't but fail to see through the lies you spew
Araise anew the senses so few
That once were held in my chained heart
Crumble the pillar the keeps me up
Shackle me to the ground, don't ever let me stand again
Take away from me what I sought to believe in
Give me nothing back in return of the hours of vanity
Slash away at my flesh to reveal the wicked sanity humanity proclaim
One day it will be the reason for this fall
Are you ready to run, flee from the inevitable oblivion that awaits
Never wanted this to be, inside the character of me
Always thought my mind held the cure for this end so impure
But just as a window is covered by the curtain
So were my eyes from the truth
Seems we were born to be this way, to cause or own demise
To ignorantly play the game, arrogantly live in shame

Planet TerraLauantai 25.04.2009 18:08

As I blast my way through time and space
I see no trace of the human race
Have I lost my way? Have I gone astray?
The only light I see is Alpha Centauri
No sign of my own galaxy

Oh how I wish to see you again, dear Terra
Walk on your soil again, inhale your air so fresh
Last time I saw you was at the beginning of the human era
When animals and insects gave way to our flesh

The stars undergo vast changes as I fly by
The time runs faster where I have arrived
Still no trace of where to find you, dear old Terra

I have looked around all space but nothing's there
Where should I go from here? Am I lost in time?
Where is my home, where is the love of mine?

Oh how I wish to see you again, dear Terra
Walk on your soil again, inhale your air so fresh
Last time I saw you was at the beginning of the human era
When animals and insects gave way to our flesh

As I travel here all alone, sitting on my rusty throne
I'm running out of fuel, I'm running out of food
Decades have passed, I don't think I will last much longer
All I can hope for now is that my ship will crash
And melt in your stratosphere, unite with your mass
Become one with you, my only and long lost love

Oh how I wish to see you again, dear Terra
Walk on your soil again, inhale your air so fresh
Last time I saw you was at the beginning of the human era
When animals and insects gave way to our flesh

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.04.2009 17:38

Mirrorized thoughts
Mind full of flaws
Sanity reincarnated
Deep inside my heart
Between the void and hate
Tore it all apart
To make room for insanity
Redemption and revenge
Hand in hand they dwell
Inside my soul's shell
Love was vanity
That couldn't fill the void
Yet it lingers there still
Like of it's own will
Colors my blood red
And fills my empty veins
Someday these stains
Won't be monochromatic
A chance is what it needs
To forever my heart feed
Trash the lies and deceit
Take away the agony
Leave me joy, no misery
Let the blackened sun shine
Upon the body and mind of mine

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 18.04.2009 13:13

Pour it, pour it down the drain
Watch it, watch it slowly fade
Take it, take it all away
Leave me, leave me with nothing to say
Show me, show me what you got
Plan, plan the cruel plot
Jump, jump down the drain
Make yourself slowly fade
Memories, memories flowing away
Nothing, nothing you say
Everything, everything you play
Shone, shone like a star
That is what you are
Seize, seize the moment
Relive, relive the torment
Feel it, feel it slip away
Life, life dripping down the drain
Crimson, crimson shaded rain
Void, void of happiness
Full, full of emptiness
Sanity, sanity slipped your mind
Insanity, insanity is what I find
So hard to forgive and forget
Cut, cut it deeper in me
Allow, allow yourself to be
What, what you really are
Crippled, crippled from all the scars
You, you are the brightest star of them all
Light, light in the heart of mine
Darkness, darkness in the mind of thine
The blossoming flower in the soil of my void soul

For Crying Out Loud!Perjantai 17.04.2009 22:11

I feel so stranded
My plan has just landed
This is where I will leave all behind
Where the destruction will end
This is the land where I will find
Colors and shades that will blend
Emptied my heart and my soul
Filled the void with new soil
Planting my seed and waiting for rain
And the bright light of a star to come
And cleanse away this old pain
When I feel it grow I will know
That this must be it
The thing I've so long longed for
The one to reap my fruit of emptiness
And with it bring me happiness

FlatSunnuntai 12.04.2009 23:36

The memories of that night still haunt me
Wanting, craving more I cannot sleep
Wanted the night to forever be ours to keep
In my dreams we're still there in the same place
Piercing my heart, tearing my every sense apart
With the sharpest of lies and your sweet eyes
My mind twists the truth and makes me live in my dream
Where you and I can be eternally
Oh how I wish we could reunite, just like that night
In my head I feel the lies become reality
In my heart I feel nothing but longing for more
In my arm I feel the cold steel, cutting, slashing
Crimson drops form the pool in which my life will run free
As death takes over and the light approaches
I feel the joy of leaving this reality
And entering my dream for infinity

Hehuu!Torstai 09.04.2009 17:24

For every second I'm around you
I just wanna slit my wrist and fade away
In a crimson stream of sweet blood
Just float on it and slowly sink into the abyss
Be greeted by the fires of Hell
That will caress my soul so well
Wanna seize the moment my heart stops beating
To forever feel the pain and see the light
Nothing more than pure agony can make me whole
Though the worms feed on my corpse
I feel more alive than ever
The eternal sleep of my body has freed my soul
Though chained to this fire forever I feel so free
The excrusiating pain filled the void inside my heart
And just now I truly feel it beating