


I'm outta here!

Riven - The fifth age by TomitheusPerjantai 12.12.2008 22:16

Day one - Riven

I arrive, after being hurriedly briefed by Atrus, to Riven, where it is my task to imprison his father, going by the name of Ghen, and to save his wife: Cathryn. I know not what drives me to aid him... perhaps the fact that he has suffered so? His own sons imprisoning him, his father misusing the powers their family posesses? In any case, I have taken it upon myself to aid Atrus for now. The fact also stands, that Atrus seems to be the only person capable, or willing, to help me return home...

The arrival on Riven, though, was not quite what I expected after seeing Myst. Atrus told me there were inhabitants here, so I expected to meet people, but to be trapped AND mugged on arrival!? The prison book Atrus gave me to serve as mean of imprisoning his father has been taken from my posession, and I have seen two strange figures: one clad in a white uniform, the one that stole the prison book and was then... killed? Tranquilized? And the strangely masked and dressed person, who dragged the body away and released me, before disappearing altogether, ignoring my pleas for help. I shall begin to study this place now. I can hear the wind, and the area seems to be full of devices and structures to study. Perhaps I can find someone who could hint me about the whereabouts of Ghen and Catherine?

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