


kun pää käskee juosta, minä kipitän.... muutaman metrin

In front of people - Jenni VartiainenKeskiviikko 28.11.2007 23:06

English version by: XxGokuranxX

in front of people

The streets (are) being filled up of people
They don't know anything about us
You are waiting for me at the station
Maybe the time will forgive me
I run the rest of the road
You are beautiful like always
In your new lofty boots

You tell: " This night we will walk, hand in hand"
In front of people
Don't you care what their faces want to say
'Cause you and I will together stay
They don't know a thing, they do not belong in this tale
which will be red as a fairy-tale

The streets (are) being filled up the voices
Someone is yelling after us
from two of us you are the stronger one
With you I am not afraid of, the darkness of the city
shortly of the people group
You hold my hand harder
My fears are all gone

meantime this night we'll walk, hand in hand
In front of people
Don't you care what their faces want to say
'Cause you and I will together stay
They don't know a thing, they do not belong in this tale
which will be red as a fairy-tale
which will be red as a fairy-tale
'Cause you and I will together stay
They don't know a thing, they do not belong in this tale
which will be red as a fairy-tale

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