


VIRTUAL FAKEMAN in Wonder Underground aka キャプテン★0010

Was it you?Sunnuntai 30.09.2007 07:34

I don't have time to make an excuse, rewind, take back any of these thoughts in my head…. To rearrange all the parts that are the past, once lived almost forgotten but somehow still burned into my faded memories . . .. They come to me in nights with my dreams, so they seem like reality till I wake – was it you inside of my head again last night – looking into my eyes to see you – to see you once again for who you were, are… now it seems you never were to me - in lies as in lines that come and go from our bed, drifting into the vast memories…. People, places, things . . .words and bodies all the same.

Did I ever mention to you ……. Maybe I didn't, maybe I forgot the words I had saved for you, the second I blinked and you were not there, I loved you, I loved the space around you, the feelings you created without even knowing your own name sometimes . . . . maybe the wood floors which we lay our heads have become to hard, and the days seem more like a headache then a moment of bliss…. I don't even think I remember what maybe is, it can't be possible to think of this or that, because now I live with just the fact… the fact that it has all passed… as it seems we have, passed the perfect days, weeks, minutes – years – jaded little months of distance in ones self …….

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