


.: SiperianHusky :.

Showtek at Qlimax 2006Perjantai 04.01.2008 19:45

This is whta i love, and can´t stop lovin. Get wasted at party from 9 till seven in the morning.
I live fore the music, rolling blunt,
feelin high, get inloaded
or taking pills and going to Laalaa Land.

Spend my all money on dope or highprice tickets.
But its all worth it, i like to live in my own world.
Fuck regular life. Fuckin 9.00 to 5.00 job.
Im talking about enjoy´n every moment,
every hour, every minute.
Thats what i do on Fridays to Saturdays.
Why should i take life so seriously?
I just like to do what i like to do.
Be far from reality, becouse i cant stand society,
its my own world.
I just want hear the music.

I think the whole system fucking sucks,
everybody fuckin working on some assjob on th week.
gettin totally fuckin stressed out.
So whats wrong and whats right?
I LIVE FOR THE WEEKEND, i live for hard styles.
i live for gard style baby!

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