


*~...we are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours...~*

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

Christine Daaé & The Phantom
(kohta jossa Christine on juuri ottanut naamion pois kummitukselta)
"Ain't got respect for humanity
Never lived or wanted immortality
The reaper's shadow I fall upon to obscure my path
Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed
You mother-fuckers just leave me be
Ya' could never give me cure for the pain I feel inside

I dont give a fuck if you Hate Me!"


joku vois hankkia silmälasitPerjantai 04.04.2008 00:36


ei pirkule mikä päivä :'D<3Torstai 03.04.2008 23:59

"Hinkuta" XDDDD

Oliko mahtavaa edes!! :'DD

Kiitos Jenni rakas<3 :'><3

:'< <3Torstai 03.04.2008 00:57

I was cruel
and unkind
'cuz one of us
had to draw the line
i couldnt' give
the things you want
so here's your key
i think we're done

you made your mark
and you scarred my heart
(but it all goes away)
cried in vain
tried to end the pain
(but it all goes away)

it's quiet now
a shade of gray
there is nothing
left to say
you have time
on your side
and in time
you'll be alright

you made your mark
and you scarred my heart
(but it all goes away)
cried in vain
tried to end the pain
(but it all goes away)

all the pain it just goes away
goes away
goes away

you made your mark
and you scarred my heart
(but it all goes away)
cried in vain
tried to end the pain
(but it all goes away)
Aww, kiitos, piristi iltaa kyllä kun kommentoit taas ^^''

"WeÂ’ve got soul and we shock it
IÂ’m that psychedelic kid
psychedelic kid

So close -So far
So far - So near
No fear - We are almost here
So close -So far
So far - So near
IÂ’m little too close
And IÂ’m little too near"

~In the middle~Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 19:58

Jotkut tekevät kaikkensa päästäkseen keskipisteeksi,
saadakseen kaiken huomion

Mutta entä jos joutuu tietämättää,
vastentahtoaan keskipisteeksi
käykin niin että jää ilman huomiota,
muuttuu ilmaksi...

HYI SAATANA MINKÄ MAKUSIA!!! ><''''Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 02:52
