
Senses Fail - Yellow AngelsPerjantai 12.12.2008 22:04

As the car begins to roll
I smile as I lose control
This weightlessness is such a gift
'Cause gravity has lost its hold
I see the sky and then the ground
Kaleidoscope of light and sound
Catching flashes of my life
Just then the house lights all went out
I want to know myself so bad it hurts
I am a shelf holding unread words

IÂ’ve said goodbye so many times in my life
I'm surprised it's still so hard for me
To see that I should start living my life
Or I will die unfulfilled and empty

I come to still in the chair
As yellow angels step with care
My spinal cord still sending shocks
But my life's in need of repair
There's got to be more than this
I don't want to just exist
As a hollow house for bones
More alone every minute
Is there a place where I can start again?

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