
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

23:03 < DarkAhven> Stranger: the u.s. of a.
23:03 < DarkAhven> You: ah gratz =)
23:03 < DarkAhven> You: the greatest country there is =)
23:03 < DarkAhven> Stranger: damn right bawh
23:03 < DarkAhven> You: okay now i know i'm talking to a retard :D
23:03 < DarkAhven> Stranger: i feel like i have to disconnect from you now
23:03 < DarkAhven> You: truth hurts doesn't it? =(
23:03 < DarkAhven> Stranger: you're mean
23:04 < DarkAhven>
23:04 < DarkAhven> pääset juttelee jonku iha randomi kanssa
23:04 < DarkAhven> :D
23:04 < Abyss4> :D
23:05 < DarkAhven> ekalle ihmiselle laitoin "hi, hola, privet, ni hao, hej, moro,"
23:05 < DarkAhven> tuli samantien disconnected :D
23:05 < Abyss4> :DD

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