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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 06.04.2007 01:29

you took this blade
and cut a wreck
and in one blow
laid bare your neck
where did we go wrong?

I once had blue eyes
hungry and wise
now they are black from this
dark age of lies
weÂ’re all privatized
we capitalize on the beams in our
itÂ’s all in the eyes

eyes - tearing with sorrow
burning with anger and passion and lust
the swift wind of thought
of wildness and laughter
the soil of defiance
the firm ground of trust
but I am put here
in this world gone insane
where everythingÂ’s for sale
from nature, over stars down to DNA
then I can gladly say
that IÂ’d be the first to break that norm
any day
any way
and the last to join the ranks
to hunt down the Daily Threat
or any other brand of prey

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