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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.05.2007 18:07

Yuugi puhuu Gackt-yhteisössä:

Shikami, oikeastaan se on Gaiaonline, jossa olen mukana vielä yhdessä alafoorumissa nimeltä Z-corporation, jossa keskustellaan kaikesta aasialaisesta, ei ainoastaan japanilaisesta musiikista.
Ja jos nyt välttämättä haluatte, niin floodaan tämän yhteisön kommenttipalstan täyteen kun laitan tänne noin melkein 30 sääntöä. Niitä listataan vielä, joten...
1. You think it's annoying that people always forgets to write "hide" with big H!
2. You think Gackt and HYDE are married!
3. You think Yomi is taller than you.
4. You think "Közi" is German for "cozy".
5. It's not "AN CAFÉ" - It's A CAFÉ! When do those Japanese guys learn their English!
6. You think Malice Mizer is still a band.
7. You think there's many female J-rockers! (As Bou, Mana & so on)
8. You think Gackt's god!
9. You think "indie" is indian jrock!
10. You see 2 jrockers kiss, and get totally depressed over that they're gay, because you were going to marry them.
11. You think "HYDE" or "hide" is pronounced like "Hide and Seek"
12. You have to look twice/three times before you're like, "Holy s**t! That's a guy!!! .__O;;; "
13. You STILL say "ramen" like "Ray-men".
14. You think "the pillows" is the best group of all eternity.
15. You think a group other than X Japan gave great influence to the VK movement.
16. You don't know who Yoshiki is.
17. When you just KNOW Mana was the one who created gothic lolita
18. when you think X-Japan was the very first Japanese rock band around
19. You still can't tell the difference between HYDE and hide
20. You think BUCK-TICK is an insect on a male deer
21. You only know two songs by each artist
22. When you listen to Malice Mizer you automatically look for Gackt in every inteview/live/pv. No matter what era. Totally disregard the fact that Klaha and Tetsu were once singers too. After all Gackt is so smexy that you only listen to the songs or watch the pvs/interviews to hear his voice or look at him
23. You think you know Mana found Malice Mizer all by himself.
24. Mana's also the best known japanese producer ever (or then it's Yoshiki). There are no other producers.
25. Who the f**k even is this man called Yu~ki?!
26. Mana is the most beautiful J-rocker ever.
27. We must discover who is this mysterious Shadow X in Moi Dix Mois.
28. You think that Gackt is, in fact, 466 years old.
29. You think that at the beginning of "GDS", Kyo is repeating his own name
30. You don't know what "GDS" is, but claim yourself to be a Diru fanatic.
31. You actually went on Google and looked up "GDS"
32. Withering to Death is Dir en Grey's first album.
33. Mana is actually a mute
34. "READY STEADY GO!" is L'Arc~en~Ciel's first song
35. Whenever you see the mention of You in GacktJOB, you get really happy knowing to be considered part of GacktJOB
36. Tetsu of L'Arc~en~Ciel was in Malice Mizer
37. Mana and Gackt are in love-- you just know it.
Ja nyt laskemaan kuinka monta saitte. :'D

<Phoenix> Kolme :DD
<hide-X> Et voinut antaa vaan linkkiä? Smart-ass.
<Kuuat> Tuli kai yks tai jotain. Pakko saaha tietää, että mikä tuo "GDS" on.. :'D Diruja en pahemmin kuuntele, jotenjoten.. (Nojuu, Cagee ja Machiavellismiä kuuntelen..)
<Kuuat> Jaa.. Mä kun luulin, että mä omistan kaikki niitten piisit.. En oo kuunnellu, muttajoo.
<Kuuat> :'DD
<Yuugi> No en voinut antaa linkkiä kun se on suojattu foorumi ja ilman tunnusta Gaiaonlineen ja siihen tiettyyn kiltaan kuulumista ette näkis niitä. xDDD
<hide-X> No sitten ketään ei kiinnosta.

mie: neljä, köh. tosin paria kysymystä en tajunnu. (niistä yhteen vastasin "juu" ja muihin "ei".)

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