


Born as balance guardian.

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....I feel like I got to share something there. Oddly I´m not sure if it´s a positive thing or not. As now I can´t sleep. I´m completely exhausted but I simply *can´t* sleep... In my icy prison I am wisdom. I am guidance.... I can´t reach out. I am simply called when needed. Whenever they try to touch me, the ice brings the feeling of the touch to me.... but the feeling is converted to a cold impulse that ravages my broken body.... this happens over and over again.... but I need it to stay alive.... to survive. Pain tells me I´m still here. I can see in my mind the image of my prison closing in on me... the world being blocked out by meters of somewhat transparent walls.... Thing is... I can´t see through the walls anymore.... I can only try to remember what it was like before.... but the memories have oddly been filled with elements of gold, blood and darkness over time.... I still remember the pain... Here I can only wrap my arms around myself.... and live through pain.... yell out wisdom.... the sad thing is... I don´t want to be here.... not anymore.... but the days are lost.

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