


Born as balance guardian.

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A dream of beastsTorstai 13.08.2009 00:06

In the beginning I was driving to somewhere. It was winter. I stopped next to the road near some house and got out. Some of my acquaintances from a time long gone were there. I´m not exactly sure how many of them there were... possibly near ten. I think they were complimenting me... it was something about my car or my ability to drive.

Then the world changed.

Suddenly we were in a strange ocean-like pool with a strong glass wall on one side and endless ocean everywhere else. There was a strange war going on, with robot-like machines mauling and shooting at each other. We were floating in the water. I felt like we were supposed to collaborate to the war-effort. I dove into the water and it was crawling with huge bloodthirsty sharks and manta rays. The beasts were anything between ten and twenty meters long. I got up from the water onto a floating metal deck that resembled the deck of an aircraft carrier. I ran through it and dove back into the water. The sharks tried to eat me with with speedy efforts. Everytime they got close the world fell silent. The only sound in the world was the weird chomp sound that their jaws made when they stormed past me and tried to catch me with their teeth. I dodged them for a while down there. Finally I got up again and threw something to the glass wall and to my surprise the wall cracked. I pulled two people with me from the water and through the hole.

The world changed again.

I was infiltrating a place of some sort by sneaking through forests and grasslands with a couple of companions. We were crawling through long grass when I hit a wire and it triggered the alarm. Two attack dogs came running at us barking as attack dogs usually do. They turned out to be quite small but still looked like they wanted to bite my legs. I stood next to a small well of lava. I had my back turned against the dogs. I sensed somehow that one of them was going for my leg. I moved slightly and the pooch ran straight past me into the well. A few seconds later the same happened with the other dog. When they hit the lava, they didn´t burn. They sort of... drowned into it, while not moving a muscle or making a sound of any kind. I silently watched them sink into oblivion.

I woke up.

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