
it's the only way I can surviveLauantai 28.06.2008 00:59

so, okay, kids. listening to ciwwaf - 'time' really fucking loud (and I'm not even kidding, REALLY. FUCKING. LOUD.) on repeat all day long (yeah even at work, yeah I'm an addict, yeah sue me), first in the headphones and now with the stereos on repeat, again and again and again and again, is just. okay. so much better than yoga or meditation. just saying.

I kind of want to have 'rotation's babies. like really badly. OH SHAANT, YOUR VOICE. YOUR FUCKING V O I C E. every time. UNF.

on another random note, chester bennington? your voice kills me, too. yeah. jfyi.

/insanely random pointless bandom babbling

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