


Und ich schneide meinen Namen Tief in dein Gesicht Denn dein Blut wird uns vereinen Fühlst du es nicht?
I'm looking back in time
Thinking about my past
It's always been the same
My pathetic little life

My life was nothing
Just sorrow and pain
Then you came
And my soul then saved

I found my salvation
Through you
You lifted me up
From the darkness

No one cared, of my suffering
No one heard, when I had to scream
I couldn't feel, I couldn't be
I only stared and still I couldn't see

No one came to aid
No one healed my wounds
Then I saw something
And it was you
You appeared from nowhere
Looked deep in my eyes
Whispered in my ear
"Lost soul arise"

I found my salvation
Through you
Together we rose
And together we shall fall one day

I found my salvation
Through you
Got resurrected
By your smile
You lifted me up
From the darkness
You taught me to live
And not to faill

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