


kun pää käskee juosta, minä kipitän.... muutaman metrin

booring nightTiistai 28.10.2008 00:40


(x) tiiän mitä tää merkki tarkottaa (|)
(x) ajattelen kaiken kaksimielisesti
(x) tsiikailen kaikkien perseitä
( ) blondivitsit sytyttää mun halut
(x) jokaisen ihmisen sisällä asuu pieni pervo..

points: 4


( ) katon pornoa yksin himas 24/7 (ku en saa keneltäkää!)
( ) runkkaan ku ei oo muuta tekemistä
( ) käytän koulun vessoja (jotta pääsen tekemään sitä)
( ) mun käsilihakset ovat tosi kehittyneet
( ) runkkaan myös yhdes mun kamujen kaa!!1

points: 0


(x) naisett on se kauniimpi sukupuoli <3
( ) tiukat farkut on jees
( ) antti tuisku on mun idoli (ja iha sika sexy)
( ) arvostan rintakarvojani
( ) sisustus ja muoti on IN

points: 1


( ) mul on herutuskuvii!!1
( ) vaihdan jätkiä kuin sukkia
(x) viihdyn vähissä vaatteissa, hameissa, topeissa (ja myös ilman niitä) Himas lol :D
( ) herään usein väärästä sängystä (tai lattialta tai sohvalta tai..)
( ) koolla on väliä

points: 1


(x) enter, shift ja ctrl on mun perheenjäseniä
(x) en osaa kirjottaa enää käsin
(x) mul on (vaan) mesekavereit!
(x) osaan KOODAA
( ) mun läppäri on mukava

points: 4


(x) ah oon niin ihana, vai mitä? x'DDDD hime inside!
(x) sä et taaskaa tajuu!!!! mikä kaikkii vaivaa?
(x) vähäks oot ruma! (ainakii muhun verrattuna..) Noora
(x) en voi sille mitään et kaikki kuolaa mun perää(n) Nooran kaverit x'D
( ) mul on keltanen tukka

points: 4

TOTUUKSIA SATELEE x'DDPerjantai 26.09.2008 23:14

Nooralta pöllin!!<3<3 :DD Kiitti muru!

mp3:si muuttuu tappajarobootiksi:
[ ] ???
[ ] APUA!
[x] Sinne meni hyvä soitin..
[ ] hitto, kun musat meni

Isäsi kertoo aikovansa matkustaa kuuhun:
[x] o_______O ? <( DAD?! )
[ ] Isi... mä tiiän et sul on tää keski-iän kriisi mut voisit vähä rajoittaa
[ ] JEE!! PÄÄSENKS MÄKI MUKAA!? *koiranpentuilme*
[ ] Ei vois vähempää kiinnostaa

Pummi tulee humalatilassa luoksesi ja ojentaa sinulle avaamattoman koskenkorvapullon:
[ ] VOI KIITOS!!! *avaa pullon ja juo tyhjäksi*
[ ] siin voi olla metanolia 8<
[ ] Kiitos mutta ei kiitos.

Menetät muistisi:
[x] Yhyy luin turhaa bilsan kokeesee ;< *itku*
[ ] Mitä mä olinkaa tekemäs?
[ ] MIKS?!

Heräät aamulla ja huomaat olevasi sairaalloisen ylipainoinen:
[ ] Jee?
[] Oliks toi muka uutta?
[ ] Mä tiesin et nois karkeis oli jotai vikaa :o
[x] HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAHAHA!! kattokaa mite läski mä oon :

Tulet kotiin ja huomaat CS_kimmon pelaamassa CS:ää koneellasi:
[x] painu vittuu MUN koneelt täl punasel sekunnil!
[ ] JEE! Sä latasit CS:än mun koneelle! OON AINA HALUNNU SEN!!<3
[ ] GRRRRRR ;)<3 PelataaX yhes? <333
[ ] Leikitääks oikeen elämän CS:ää jos mä ammun sua oikeesti ja sä kuolet? 8D

Allergiatestin tulokset saapuvat... OLET ALLERGINEN SUKLAALLE!:
[ ] Voi vittu...
[ ] Syön suklaat vaik kuolisin! *juoksee kauppaan*
[x] En ois muutenkaa tykänny siit .. :P

Isäsi ja äitisi vetävät alastonta aerobic-tuntia koulusi pihalla:
[ ] *reps* AHAHAHA :''DD
[ ] *Ei ole tuntevinaan*
[ ] Ainaha ne vetää..

Kävelet kadulla ja yhtäkkiä lempikappaleesi alkaa soida todella kovaa kaikkialla:
[ ] *tanssii musiikin tahdissa*
[ ] TÄÄONMUNLEMPIBIISIOMG!!! 8DDD *laulaa mukana*
[x] Voi vittu nyt kaikki alkaa fanittaa tätä biisii... -.-
[ ] OOOOMG ONKS MUN LEMPIBÄNDI TÄÄL?!! O__O *juoksee musiikin tulosuuntaan*

.. Lempibändisi onkin keikalla 200 metrin päässä ilmaiskonsertissa:
[ ] hu0h.. ja nyt kaikki alkaa fanittaa tätä -.-'''
[x] Ei kiinnosta...
[ ] piikki panssari päälle ja yleisön sekaan vaan!

Kaverisi lyö sinua kalalla naamaan:
[ ] Mist hyväst toi oli? ;<
[ ] Yhyy mä ku luulin et oltii kavereit 8<

Taivaalta putoaisi päähäsi rumpukapula:
[ ] Ai toi sattu ;< *hieroo päätä*
[x] ÄHÄÄ! SAIN TON LENTSIKAN REKKARIN! *juoksee alhaalla*
[ ] Jee tää oli varmaa mun lempibändin kapula<3

Ismo hyppää eteesi:
[ ] Kuka Ismo?
[x] Väisty läski!

Kuinka Luokkalaiseni Minut Näkevät?Keskiviikko 17.09.2008 00:25

x'DDD Eiks ole iiiha mun näköne!!
Thanks Guys! ;DD
Kertokaa kuka tän piirs, se saa mitallin! x'DD
.--->> TEKLA ''Pienisieni''

Siin lukee ''Queen Of Fucking Everything''- - - - - - - - - ->>
Ja liityin muute iha inside mielessä semmosee yhteisöön x'DD

...Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 19:55

When you are sick I don't want to leave you alone.
When I am sick you're cold and leave me alone.
I fight, it's so unfair when I do that all and you let go
when you feel you again are hurt. You make it all my fault.
I do my all, and one day it will leave only my body on earth.
Anymore then, you will wonder was I even that worth.

How much have to do to get something back.....?

yhyyyyyyKeskiviikko 03.09.2008 01:39



Ollaanko kaikki kipeinä?.. .. ei sinne kukaa sen mutinaa ja kirkkoveneitä jaksa mennä ihmetteleen!
Miki: Sara ja Satu, varottakaa mua sitten etten enää ota tota kotikaljaa enää ikinä! Vittu se o pahaa!
Satu: joo!
Sara: no joo jos muistetaan!


Miki: HYI! Muistuttakaa sit etten enää osta noita juusto kolmioita! Hyi vittu tää on pahaa!
Satu: taas sua pitää kieltää ottamasta jotakin!
Sara: nii ja se ottaa kuiteski!
Miki: Heko heko! Syöks joku tän vai ei?
Sara: No minä syön! Anna tänne! Hyi vittu tää o pahaa!
Satu: *laugh*

... ruokala vain tunnin kuluttua..

Miki: *Ottaa kotikaljaa*
Miki: Jos se onki hyvää! Jos muistan väärin! Kyllästyin maitoon ja veteen!

--- Ruoka pöydässä ----

Miki: Hyi vittu tää on pahaa! Mut en valita! *vääntää naamaansa*
Satu: Anna mä maistan! --- No hyi vittu toi on pahaa!


To my fianceLauantai 30.08.2008 21:07

.. Everything has changed so suddenly..New school, new friends.. new studies and feelings. What do I have from my past? What from there do I have left?
Well, couple of friends I hardly see, some anime I still follow and Dragonball I adore,but.. What is with this thing, why isn't our story giving me any
pleasure, why do I feel empty and alone. Answer is that I miss you, no story can replace that who you are and what you mean to me. I don't want
to see your profile icon I wanna see you. I don't wanna write to you that I love you I wanna say it. Don't wanna write what would I do or where to touch,
I wanna show it to you and touch you in reality. Please.. you have to make it, still one year, practice and study so that you will get here, move to me,
to my city and take my hand on the street. I want you to meet my friends, see the boys I have a little crush, I want to be with you everyday after school,
and fall in sleep next to you. .. please.. you have to make it.. I've done so much for us, proved, loved, healed you from your own pain and past, now is
your turn to show me what are you ready to do. The city between us is not enough. You have to make to train's next stop.... I love you... I'd do the
same for you <sydän> no more pain of seeing you leave and shut the door after you, or see the train leave and try to shout that I love you. Wish
there would be only a phone call, '' Hey, what's up? Shall we meet on the street? '' - ''yeah, of course! Hold on I will put on my shoes!''. So easy, so
simple.. . so lovely.. Please darling... please... I try to get it together till I'm back home at night and ready to sleep, just waiting you to come back to me...
Show me that I am not right of that I maybe am too exhausted that I maybe.. wanna let you go.. because in the end.. you are all I wanna keep near me before I die..
You saved me as I saved you..~~ my shooting star accidentally flew right trough me~~ <sydän>

© Miki - XxGokuranxX -

...Lauantai 12.07.2008 21:34

You don't know what it feels like..
You can never understand how it hurts..
I will never know how it feels..
I will never understand the differences..

I sit alone again in my little seat
I once again wonder how could it be.
The sun is coming down,
When loud I say.
''Again nothing came for me today''

You can't understand how it feels
When, you wait for someone call for you and you answer for the stranger.
You can't understand the ones are always playing alone.
That we all can't with friend groups get along.

I take one paper from my map.
I take a pencil and a lollipop.
I image in my mind my tomorrow.
And image the friend of dreams on the paper yesterday I drew.

You can't understand how it feels
When, you wait for someone call for you and you answer for the stranger.
You can't understand the ones are always playing alone.
That we all can't with friend groups get along.

..I can't understand how it feels when you have friends.
The ones and only who borrow you their wings.
I can never know what is it like.
When someone calls and asks could they come to stop by.

Can anybody get us?
Can anyone show us this pity once?
...Could they, give us a gift?
..So that I could just know..
..So that we could just know..
Show us lighted way to kindness..
Don't leave us friendless..
Everyone deserve a second change and a friend.
Take hand and give us some help~

You can't understand how it feels
When, you wait for someone call for you and you answer for the stranger.
You can't understand the ones are always playing alone.
That we all can't with friend groups get along....

It's deathPerjantai 30.05.2008 01:17

♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

It's funny that way, you can get used
To the tears and the pain
What a child will believe
You never loved me

You can't hurt me now
I got away from you
I never thought I would

You can't make me cry
You once had the power
I never felt so good about myself

Seems like yesterday
I lay down next to your boots and I prayed
For your anger to end
Oh Father, I have sinned

You can't hurt me now
I got away from you
I never thought I would

You can't make me cry
You once had the power
I never felt so good about myself

Oh Father, you never wanted to live that way
You never wanted to hurt me
Why am I running away

Oh Father, you never wanted to live that way
You never wanted to hurt me
Why am I running away

Maybe someday
When I look back I'll be able to say
You didn't mean to be cruel
Somebody hurt you too

You can't hurt me now
I got away from you
I never thought I would

You can't make me cry
You once had the power
I never felt so good

You can't hurt me now
I got away from you
I never thought I would

You can't make me cry
You once had the power
I never felt so good about myself

♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

My last prayPerjantai 30.05.2008 00:18

... I don't know dad if you can hear me... or granpa are you there watching.. .. I don't know if you care anymore about me but ... . . I need guide now.. .. I am alone.. I have two friends.. . and one is going to leave for summer.. and the nother one is working.. . I lost my everything today.. . my summer and my life for now is ruined.. *tears fall*.. .. you know.. if you would still be alive granpa I would come to you and settle all the fights and do as you say and make you happy.... and for dad, that you and mum wouldn't have broke up I wouldn't be born.. if I could choose. I don't know what's gonna happen now, I.. I suppose Nora is having free time with her friends and enjoy for summer.. she has so many of them that now I am away from her it really doesn't matter for her now she is not alone... she can still go by her plans.. I can't... i won't go to Animecon alone.. .. have pity or then cry even more looking happy people... my pray is a friend.. . A.. new one.. one I could trust.. ... have faith.. . maybe love who knows.. understanding.. get more with her/his help.. Love let me down the last time..... I will be on my own with that.. being single can't be so bad.... I can do it with time.. the depression I've had for 5 months now.. I haven't told anyone.. anyone who reads this knows then.. It's getting worse now and my eating. .. well... not hungry at all.. may be that this is my last summer... if I won't get weighter it will be the end.. I really hope it wouldn't.. I wanna have sometime in my life fun too... friends know how it feels... please.. ... . . I do anything.... that I don't need to be alone....


I'll do anything, I will be working hard at school I clean my room~I'll be good~I won't give it up now~