


with the power to be powerful

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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 26.03.2011 23:37

Neljä elokuvaa, jotka voisin katsoa aina vain uudestaan:
★ Tangled
★ Shaun of the Dead
★ Hot Fuzz
★ Megamind

Neljä asiaa mitä löytyy lompakostani:
★ ajokortti
★ Visa Electron
★ muistilappuja
★ kuitteja, kuitteja, vähän lisää kuitteja

Neljä asiaa joista nautit:
★ lomailu
★ hienojen ihmisten seura
★ voittamattomuus
★ onnistuminen

Neljä julistetta huoneestasi:
★ Doctor Who'n The End of Time
★ on ainoa
★ juliste
★ seinillä

Neljä tv-ohjelmaa joita seuraan (tai olen seurannut):
★ Doctor Who
★ Misfits
★ The Big Bang Theory
★ Supernatural

Neljä juomaa joita juon mieluiten:
★ tee
★ kahvi
★ limu
★ vesi

Neljä nettisivua joilla käyn lähes päivittäin:
★ DA
★ diaryland
★ galtzu
★ feisbuuk

Neljä biisiä joita kuuntelen tällä hetkellä mieluiten:
★ Hurts: Sunday
★ Chase & Status: Pieces
★ The Killers: Spaceman
★ Coldplay: White Shadows

Neljä paikkaa, joihin haluisit mieluiten matkustaa:
★ Englanti
★ Amerikka
★ Saksa
★ joku lämmin, vaik Kreeta

Neljä asiaa, joita odotan tällä hetkellä:
★ roolipelausintoa
★ sitä että saan nää dsfhjahdfkjhjfdn massiiviset koulujutut tehtyä
★ Britteinmatkaa ;D;

Neljä asiaa, jotka saavat minut onnelliseksi:
★ ihmiset<3
★ kultapyllykissani<3
★ musiikki
★ onnistuminen & ehtiminen & jaksaminen & blaa

Neljä asiaa, jotka saavat "vereni kiehumaan":
★ typerät ihmiset
★ typerät ihmiset
★ typerät ihmiset
★ typerät ihmiset

Disney, DAY 30Lauantai 26.03.2011 04:14

DAY 1: Favorite movie
DAY 2: Favorite princess
DAY 3: Favorite prince
DAY 4: Favorite song
DAY 5: Favorite kiss
DAY 6: Prettiest princess
DAY 7: Favorite castle
DAY 8: Saddest moment
DAY 9: Favorite couple
DAY 10: Best hair
DAY 11: Favorite animal sidekick
DAY 12: Favorite non-animal sidekick
DAY 13: Favorite outfit
DAY 14: Favorite villain
DAY 15: Favorite romantic moment
DAY 16: Favorite singing voice
DAY 17: Best eyes
DAY 18: Favorite name
DAY 19: Favorite soundtrack
DAY 20: Funniest moment
DAY 21: Favorite quote
DAY 22: Bravest princess
DAY 23: Favorite dance scene
DAY 24: Favorite parent
DAY 25: Favorite lyrics
DAY 26: Most magical moment
DAY 27: Best wardrobe
DAY 28: Favorite sequel
DAY 29: Favorite overall moment
DAY 30: Favorite happy ending


Disney, DAY 29Perjantai 25.03.2011 19:59

Miun ns. suosikkihetkiin liittyy melkein aina laulua tai tanssia tai jotain muuta. Eli youtube-aika!

Plus kaikki ne kerrat kun Flynn ja Tähkäpää keräsivät hiusta kiireellä syliinsä.

DAY 1: Favorite movie
DAY 2: Favorite princess
DAY 3: Favorite prince
DAY 4: Favorite song
DAY 5: Favorite kiss
DAY 6: Prettiest princess
DAY 7: Favorite castle
DAY 8: Saddest moment
DAY 9: Favorite couple
DAY 10: Best hair
DAY 11: Favorite animal sidekick
DAY 12: Favorite non-animal sidekick
DAY 13: Favorite outfit
DAY 14: Favorite villain
DAY 15: Favorite romantic moment
DAY 16: Favorite singing voice
DAY 17: Best eyes
DAY 18: Favorite name
DAY 19: Favorite soundtrack
DAY 20: Funniest moment
DAY 21: Favorite quote
DAY 22: Bravest princess
DAY 23: Favorite dance scene
DAY 24: Favorite parent
DAY 25: Favorite lyrics
DAY 26: Most magical moment
DAY 27: Best wardrobe
DAY 28: Favorite sequel
DAY 29: Favorite overall moment

DAY 30: Favorite happy ending

failtrainTorstai 24.03.2011 18:31

Hiipiä sanoo:
katoin Charlie-videoo ja alko naurattaa ja yskittää samaan aikaan, plus tietenki ajattelin hörpätä teetä just sillä hetkellä
lopputulos: yskän takii vetäsin teetä henkeen ja naurun takii sylkäsin ne päälleni ja kurkus tuntuu iha siltä kui oisin oksentanu
ja miun housut on märät

( )

Disney, DAY 28Torstai 24.03.2011 16:27

Joo, miulla ja Disneyn eläinaiheisilla leffoilla on juttu.

DAY 1: Favorite movie
DAY 2: Favorite princess
DAY 3: Favorite prince
DAY 4: Favorite song
DAY 5: Favorite kiss
DAY 6: Prettiest princess
DAY 7: Favorite castle
DAY 8: Saddest moment
DAY 9: Favorite couple
DAY 10: Best hair
DAY 11: Favorite animal sidekick
DAY 12: Favorite non-animal sidekick
DAY 13: Favorite outfit
DAY 14: Favorite villain
DAY 15: Favorite romantic moment
DAY 16: Favorite singing voice
DAY 17: Best eyes
DAY 18: Favorite name
DAY 19: Favorite soundtrack
DAY 20: Funniest moment
DAY 21: Favorite quote
DAY 22: Bravest princess
DAY 23: Favorite dance scene
DAY 24: Favorite parent
DAY 25: Favorite lyrics
DAY 26: Most magical moment
DAY 27: Best wardrobe
DAY 28: Favorite sequel

DAY 29: Favorite overall moment
DAY 30: Favorite happy ending

Disney, DAY 27Keskiviikko 23.03.2011 15:44

Bellen vaatteet on aika ihania, mut noista kahdesta ekasta on ihan liian hankala löytää kivoja kuvia. :c

Ja sit pakko mainita et tykkäilen Treasure Planetin vaatetuksesta ihan hirveesti noin kokonaisuudessaan. En vaan tajunnut kiinnittää huomiota siihen et vaihtuuko mikään missään vaiheessa.

DAY 1: Favorite movie
DAY 2: Favorite princess
DAY 3: Favorite prince
DAY 4: Favorite song
DAY 5: Favorite kiss
DAY 6: Prettiest princess
DAY 7: Favorite castle
DAY 8: Saddest moment
DAY 9: Favorite couple
DAY 10: Best hair
DAY 11: Favorite animal sidekick
DAY 12: Favorite non-animal sidekick
DAY 13: Favorite outfit
DAY 14: Favorite villain
DAY 15: Favorite romantic moment
DAY 16: Favorite singing voice
DAY 17: Best eyes
DAY 18: Favorite name
DAY 19: Favorite soundtrack
DAY 20: Funniest moment
DAY 21: Favorite quote
DAY 22: Bravest princess
DAY 23: Favorite dance scene
DAY 24: Favorite parent
DAY 25: Favorite lyrics
DAY 26: Most magical moment
DAY 27: Best wardrobe

DAY 28: Favorite sequel
DAY 29: Favorite overall moment
DAY 30: Favorite happy ending

Disney, DAY 26Tiistai 22.03.2011 22:15

DAY 1: Favorite movie
DAY 2: Favorite princess
DAY 3: Favorite prince
DAY 4: Favorite song
DAY 5: Favorite kiss
DAY 6: Prettiest princess
DAY 7: Favorite castle
DAY 8: Saddest moment
DAY 9: Favorite couple
DAY 10: Best hair
DAY 11: Favorite animal sidekick
DAY 12: Favorite non-animal sidekick
DAY 13: Favorite outfit
DAY 14: Favorite villain
DAY 15: Favorite romantic moment
DAY 16: Favorite singing voice
DAY 17: Best eyes
DAY 18: Favorite name
DAY 19: Favorite soundtrack
DAY 20: Funniest moment
DAY 21: Favorite quote
DAY 22: Bravest princess
DAY 23: Favorite dance scene
DAY 24: Favorite parent
DAY 25: Favorite lyrics
DAY 26: Most magical moment

DAY 27: Best wardrobe
DAY 28: Favorite sequel
DAY 29: Favorite overall moment
DAY 30: Favorite happy ending

Disney, DAY 25Maanantai 21.03.2011 15:18

Tälleen äkkiseltään tulee mieleeeen nää:

Colors of the Wind

You think I'm an ignorant savage
And you've been so many places
I guess it must be so
But still I cannot see
If the savage one is me
Now can there be so much that you don't know?
You don't know ...
You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sunsweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends
How high will the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind
You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is Earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind

I'll Make a Man Out of You

Let's get down to business - to defeat the Huns
Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch I've ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man out of you

Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center
You are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man out of you

I'm never gonna catch my breath
Say goodbye to those who knew me
Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym
This guy's got 'em scared to death
Hope he doesn't see right through me
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim

Be a man
We must be swift as the coursing river
Be a man
With all the force of a great typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Time is racing toward us till the Huns arrive
Heed my every order and you might survive
You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home you're through
How could I make a man out of you?

DAY 1: Favorite movie
DAY 2: Favorite princess
DAY 3: Favorite prince
DAY 4: Favorite song
DAY 5: Favorite kiss
DAY 6: Prettiest princess
DAY 7: Favorite castle
DAY 8: Saddest moment
DAY 9: Favorite couple
DAY 10: Best hair
DAY 11: Favorite animal sidekick
DAY 12: Favorite non-animal sidekick
DAY 13: Favorite outfit
DAY 14: Favorite villain
DAY 15: Favorite romantic moment
DAY 16: Favorite singing voice
DAY 17: Best eyes
DAY 18: Favorite name
DAY 19: Favorite soundtrack
DAY 20: Funniest moment
DAY 21: Favorite quote
DAY 22: Bravest princess
DAY 23: Favorite dance scene
DAY 24: Favorite parent
DAY 25: Favorite lyrics

DAY 26: Most magical moment
DAY 27: Best wardrobe
DAY 28: Favorite sequel
DAY 29: Favorite overall moment
DAY 30: Favorite happy ending

Disney, DAY 24Maanantai 21.03.2011 00:04

Ja tääkin kaveri, ihan vaan koska Bambi 2.
DAY 1: Favorite movie
DAY 2: Favorite princess
DAY 3: Favorite prince
DAY 4: Favorite song
DAY 5: Favorite kiss
DAY 6: Prettiest princess
DAY 7: Favorite castle
DAY 8: Saddest moment
DAY 9: Favorite couple
DAY 10: Best hair
DAY 11: Favorite animal sidekick
DAY 12: Favorite non-animal sidekick
DAY 13: Favorite outfit
DAY 14: Favorite villain
DAY 15: Favorite romantic moment
DAY 16: Favorite singing voice
DAY 17: Best eyes
DAY 18: Favorite name
DAY 19: Favorite soundtrack
DAY 20: Funniest moment
DAY 21: Favorite quote
DAY 22: Bravest princess
DAY 23: Favorite dance scene
DAY 24: Favorite parent

DAY 25: Favorite lyrics
DAY 26: Most magical moment
DAY 27: Best wardrobe
DAY 28: Favorite sequel
DAY 29: Favorite overall moment
DAY 30: Favorite happy ending

..Sain vihdoin itseni pelaamaan P4:n läpi. \o/ Onneks ei mennytkään kuin pieni ikuisuus. ( Adachi oot kivoin ikinä. <3 )

P3:n parissa vietinnn 147 tuntia ja 52 minuuttia,
P4:n 121 tuntia ja 10 minuuttia.