


like Shaggy wud say "it wazn meeh"


- Vanhemmat »

happy time.Keskiviikko 15.02.2006 18:34

Pieces of my memories

My life is just like some old movie-
So funny and so sad
I have u, and I'm happy
I hope it will be till the end.

U know, I was really childish
I was playing with my feelings
And u always are so understanding
Thank u, for saving my dreams

Those pieces of memories
Like puzzle I lost sometime
U found it and u gave it to me
Thank u, I'm now alive

Now, I can remember
The nights under the moon
Like all the stars in the heaven
Were shining down for me n u

Now, I can imagine
That I have those wings
For flying back to memories
I want to see

fucked up day'z away. the 15th.Keskiviikko 15.02.2006 14:50

those 24 hours are away. good. that day when u better stay at home if u r not as happy as those ppl, who r kissin n huggin around. like u r the one who duzn hav the right to hav smn holdin ur hand. ffffuck.
then, u r sittin ready to cry, thinkin bout suicide almost. u get those greetins from ur friends, especially girls.... and then guyz r makin laughs of that "iz that lesbian love".... wanna just say that, if u, guys, see only fashion asses, who dont really hav any feelins and hav guys in every single street of the city, then itz stupid. yeps.
huh.... if i recall those words that love is the most important, and it duzn matter if u dont get "a special greetin" it'z not the end of the world, oh it would be so fun, if it wudn be so sad. and i jus realized why it duz matter if u get smth on VD - u r used to being alone the whole year, u don really feel this depression, but then IT comez! the 14th of the second! WOW! waitin 4 the miracle! and u know it is to childish to wait for that, but still u hope, like u r 5year old child waitin for a teethfairy at night or santa claus. whatever. and then u see that everybody (well almost everybody) gets smth sweet and good, while u hav nothin.... ur soul becomes more sensitive, and u wudn cry in every anotha day, u r runnin like crazy to some far place to get this fuckin sadness out by that salty watter coming from eyes makin them ugly.
" i luv to see u cry" was that iglesias' s song?
anyway, today's the 15th. u hav the whole year till the next 14th of the second.
- Vanhemmat »