


Kahden tytön sekä kahden pojan äiti.

Name Analysis - Meaning of your NameSunnuntai 25.02.2007 03:13


*Although the name Susan creates the urge to be both logical and technical, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions.

* This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the elimination and fluid systems.

* Your first name of Susan has given you a pleasant, easy-going, friendly nature.

* Personal contacts are important to you.

* In situations where you are serving others, demonstrating or instructing, you have the patience to go into details that someone else may not think to be important.

* In your association with others, you are often limited to the more mundane happenings and little personal problems that can be so frustrating to those of an active, dynamic nature.

* You desire to create system and order in your environment but are inclined to become side-tracked and socialize when you should be working.

* Your ambitions are not large, as you lack confidence in your own abilities and would sooner not take a chance.


* Although the name Tea creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, it can cause a materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities.

* This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the reproductive system, worry, and mental tension.

* Your name of Tea gives you a strong sense of responsibility in business and material affairs, and the practicality and determination to make a success of anything you undertake.

* You are self-sufficient and capable, and have an interest in positions of leadership and responsibility.

* You are competent in directing the efforts of others, as you have good business judgment and the natural understanding of people.

* Very likely you have assumed much responsibility early in life and are often required to make major decisions.

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