
:D :D :DMaanantai 19.03.2007 20:26

Heh, mun pikkuveljenin bändillä on keikat tulossa!! ja he tekevat heijän demo ihan kohta :-O
tänään koulussa, Jonon taide opettaja antoi hänelle jotain, ja hän sanoi hänelle "Kiitos" :D Hän tykkää suomalaiset bändiä :)

Heh....Lauantai 17.03.2007 21:55

1. minkä värisellä tuolilla istut nyt?
- ei ole tuolli. on minun sänky :) se on sininen

2. minkä värinen paita sinulla on päällä?
- se on raudallinen- pinkki ja musta

3. millainen logo/tausta sinulla on nyt kännykässä?
- kuva on vanha kuva, se on mä, ja 2 kavereita.

4. mikä on kännykässäsi soittoäänenä?
- "Bad ass Blues" :)

5. ketä mietit juuri nyt (mainitse henkilö nimeltä)?

6. montako tuntia nukuit viime yönä/viimeksi kun nukuit?
- ainakin 13 :-D

7. tuorekurkku vai suolakurkku?
- en mä tykkää kurkkusta!

8. joululoma vai kesäloma?
- kesä! sää on parempi :)

9. mikä on toinen nimesi?
- louise

10. mikä on viimeisin sana jonka sanoit?
- "peculiar"

11. kenelle sen sanoit?
- Lazulle.

12. mitä odotat tällä hetkellä eniten?
- Huhtikuuta :)

13. millä kulkuneuvolla viimeksi liikuit?
- bussilla

14. mitä pelkäät tällä hetkellä eniten?
-monta asioita.

15. mikä on toiveammattisi?
- ?

16. voisitko kuvitella olevasi opettaja?
- ?

17. minkälaista liikuntaa harrastat?
- Bowling, Cricket....

18. paljonko olet pitkä?
- en tiedä :-S

19. mitä kuuntelet juuri nyt?
- Uniklubi "Kiertää kehää"

20. montako lävistystä sinulla on?
- 6

21. missä lävistykset ovat? (nenässä, huulessa, korvissa jne.)
- 4 korvissa, 1 nenassa, ja 1 belly button

22. mitä sinulle tulee mieleen sanasta vaahto?
- ?

23. minkä nimistä lehteä luit viimeksi?
- Hard, Harder

24. minkä merkkistä huulirasvaa käytät?
- vaseline

25. onko tylsää juuri nyt?
- mitäs luulet?

26. keneltä sait viimeksi viestin kännykkääsi?
- Leggi

27. minkä väriset hiukset sinulla on?
- punaiset

28. mitä kappaletta inhoat? (laita myös esittäjä)
- kaikki Usherin

29. kampaatko hiuksesi joka päivä?
- ähm, joo?

30. kuinka usein käyt saunassa?
- kun minulla ei ole kiire.

31. minkä merkkinen polkupyörä sinulla on (jos on)?
- minulla ei ole polkupyörä.

32. minkä merkkistä ja tuoksuista suihkusaippuaa käytät?
- se on mansikkoita...

33. minkä värinen hiusharjasi on?
- musta.

34. Ilkka, Pete vai Katri?
-kuka he ovat?

35. Kuka ihminen on tällä hetkellä lähimpänä sinua?
- minun naapuri.

36. Minkä numeron sait viimeisimmästä kokeesta?
- en muista.

37. Minkä laulun sanat menee näin: "sä olit perhonen, jonka siivet eivät kauas kantaneet. sä väsyit kylpyhuoneeseen..."?
- en tiedä!

38. seurusteletko jonkun kanssa?
- en

39. mikä on tavoitteesi?
- olla onnellinen.

40. mitä katsoit viimeksi telkkarista?
- Planettemme Maa (BBC's Planet Earth!)

41. mitä kanavaa katsot eniten?
- en osaa vastata.

42. mihin maahan haluaisit matkustaa?
- japani, ruotsi, venäjä, ranska (taas), saksa (köln ha berliini)

43. mitä söit viimeksi?
- juustoleipä

44. Oletko ikinä jäänyt luokallesi:
- ei

45. Oletko ihastunut johonkin:
- joo...

46.Oletko koskaan ollut ihastunut opettajaasi:
- en

47. Lempieläin:
- en tiedä sanat suomeksi, mutta: badger, elephant, rat, ferret.

48. Kuka on paras ystäväsi:
- mulla ei ole vain yks. minulla on 5

49. Oletko koskaan hakannut ketään:
- en

50. Kenen kanssa puhut eniten puhelimessa:
- äidin

51. Vietätkö paljon aikaa internetissä:
- liikaa :)

52. Vihaatko koulua:
- en. se oli hyvää aika minulle :)

53. Onko sinulla sosiaalista elämää:
- joo

54. Pidätkö matkustamisesta:
- pidän

55. Oletko hemmoteltu:
- en ole

56. Juotko paljon vettä:
- joo.

57. Mitä hammastahnaa käytät:
- Colgate

58. Onko sinulla kännykkää:
- joo!

59. Jos on, niin minkä merkkinen:
- nokia

60. Onko sinulla rusketusta:
- aina kesällä :) arkeologia on aina ulkona...

61. Ärsyynnytkö helposti:

62. Miten purat vihaasi:
- en tiedä

63. Oletko koskaan saanut potkuja töistä:
- en.

64. Oletko töissä:
- joo. päiväkodissä, ja lehdessä saksassa

65. Haaveiletko paljon:

66. Millaisen tatuoinnin haluaisit:
- en halua

67. Mikä on viimeisin kuulemasi kohteliaisuus:
- ?

68. Voisitko seurustella itseäsi vanhemman kanssa:
- kyllä nyt

69. Milloin oksensit viimeksi:
- viimesen kerta että olin kipeänä?

70. Kengännumerosi:
- 6

71. Millainen olo sinulla on tällä hetkellä:
- minulla on tylsää, mutta hyvää olo- Jericho on telkarissa. Robert Lindsay <3

72. Mainitse yksi huono puolesi:
- ?

73. Menisitkö naimisiin rahan takia:
- ? marriage and money?

74. Oletko enemmän äidin vai isän poika/tyttö:
- äidin ja iskän

75. Kirjoittavatko ihmiset aina nimesi väärin?
- joo :(

76. Jättäisitkö sukunimesi, jos sinusta tulisi kuuluisa?
- ?

77. Henkinen ikäsi?

78. Kuinka vanha haluaisit olla?
- 18 on hyvää.

79. oikea/vasen/molemmat kädet?
- kirjoitan oikealla

80. Puhutko muita kieliä?
- englantia, ranskaa ja saksaa.

81. Elätkö elämääsi juuri nyt?
- joo

82. Vihaatko itseäsi?
- en.

83. Onko sinulla pahoja tapoja?
- on.

84. Jos elämästäsi tehtäisi elokuva, mikä sen nimi olisi?
- A little less than human...

85. Osaatko laulaa?
- osaan. huonosti.

86. Tykkäätkö viettää aikaa yksin?
- en tykkää olla yksin

87. Onko elämäsi ollut hienoa tähän mennessä?

88. Oletko muiden mielestä kaunis?
- en ole

89. Oletko itsevarma?
- en ole

90. Tajuaako muut sinut aina väärin?
- tajuan.

91. Poltatko?
- en.

92. Luetko sanomalehtiä?
- joskus

93. Käveletkö sateessa?
- joo

94. Oletko koskaan satuttanut itseäsi?
- vahingossa.

95. ollut rakastunut?
- en. i fuckin' hope not!

96. uinut alasti?
- jepp Jé'n kanssa

97. ollut leikkauksessa?
- en ollut

98. nukkunut ulkona?
- ei vielä...

99. ollut syömättä yhtenä päivänä?
- joo.

100. nukkunut vastakkaisen sukupuolen kanssa samassa sängyssä harrastamatta seksiä?
- :)

1yhden kerran

102. ollut tv:ssä tai radiossa?
- joo.

103. Onko sinulla yhtään homoseksuaalista ystävää?
- monia.

104. Paras inside-vitsinne?
- Whisk...

105. Kenen luona olit viimeksi?
- Tiinan


106. Jolle nauroit viimeksi?
- Laz

107. Joka nauroi sinulle?
- en tiä

108. Joka sai sinut kuumaksi?
- ei voi kertoo.

109. Jota viimeksi ajattelit?
- Cari

110. Jonka kanssa katsoit elokuvan?
- Leggi

I feel goooooooooood!!!Lauantai 17.03.2007 00:45

Mä rakastan mun elämäni!!

Mä rakastan mun kavereita!!

Mä rakastan mun perheeni!!

Mä rakastan 'mun' lapset!!!

Mä haluan työtä ensi vuonna tänne suomessa!

Huhtikuussa on tulossa :D

Keikat: Bloodpit, The 69 Eyes, Maryslim, Rendezvous, Parasite City, Dear Superstar, Sturm und Drange....

Tulossa: Cari, sitten Leggi, Lazu ja Maz! PARTY TIME!!!

Mua jännittää :) me menemme: helsinki, hämeenlinna, turku (chez jérémy!!) ja ehkä viroon!!! se olisi todella hienoa, vai mitä?

En usko, että mää oon nyt suomessa 6 kuukautta :-O Se meni niin nopeita!
In 3 months, 2 days, and 1 hour, I'm gonna be back in the UK o.O

But yes... February is over...and I feel GREAT!!! Things are coming on well, and I've started a little spring-cleaning :D That is to say that I've been weeding that overgrown garden which is my life. I've said goodbye to alot of people, and 'hello' to even less. But it's ok.

I cannot believe how ridiculously happy I am!! I've proved a major point :D And it feels sooooooooo fuckin' good!! I don't need certain things in my life, and getting rid of them is unbelievably liberating.

This year I have proved so much to people. I have grown up alot, and become a better person. Everything I knew is up in the air, but right now, I just dont care. I'm happy, I've made it. All those people who ever doubted me, and those who treat me like a doormat, can go fuck themselves.

Living in Finland has given me a whole new outlook on life, and it's made me confident, and happy. I may not have supermodel good looks, and yes, I'm more interested in studying... but I am successful in my own right :D

Bored in the dead of nightMaanantai 26.02.2007 03:16


::Full Name::: Joanne A
::Nicknames::: Jo, Mooni, Jojobean, Jomanmoulise
::Age::: 18
::Gender::: female
::Where You Live::: finland
::Sexual Orientation::: straightish
::Single/Happy with it::: single
::Siblings::: Charlotte and Jonathan
::Pets::: I think there are some fish at my parents' house, and I may get a guineapig
::Screen name::: Finnglish

::Hair Color::: Red with blonde roots
::Hair length::: lLeft side long, right short, and normally a mohican thing and spikes
::Eye Color::: Green
::Height::: 5 foot 4
::Piercings::: nose, ears, belly button
::Tattoos::: nope
::Shoe Size::: 6 I think
::Jeans Size::: size 8-10
::Make-Up::: minimal
::Dye Your Hair::: yes, but I havent dyed it since January now :D

::Food::: Pizza with Salami, Jalapenos, and stuffed crust :D
::Drink:::Earl Grey tea
::Color::: bright colours.
::Store::: Moons, Ipswich, Black Rose in Camden
::Movie::: Wallace and Gromit!!
::Kind Of Alcohol::: I'm allergic to alcohols
::Ice Cream Flavor::: strawberry!!!!!
::Book::: any WWI fiction
::Season::: autumn
::Video Game::: -

::Smoked a cigarette::: no
::Done Any Drugs::: HELL NO!!!!
::Gotton Drunk::: never
::Gone Skinny Dipping::: yes
::Bonged A Beer::: y'what?!
::Had Sex::: no comment
::Kissed Same Sex::: obviously ....
::Done Anything Sexual With Same Sex::: yes :DDDD
::Eaten Sushi::: No no no
::Broken A Bone::: Lots, not mine tho :D

::Like Your Handwriting::: Yes. I fucking love it. It's schizophrenic tho- it changes depending on which language I'm writing in.
::Have Any Bad Habbits::: a few
::Hate Yourself::: I have my moments
::Shy::: Very
::Tolerant Of Others::: Foolishly so
::Aggressive Or Passive::: too fuckin passive
::Have A Journal::: yes
::Emotionally Strong::: no
::Read The News Paper::: yes
::Confident::: no

::Is There A God::: Wicca means that I am polytheist
::Does He Have A Gender::: There are male gods, women gods....
::Do Ghosts Exists::: yes!! Oh god, yes!!!
::What About Witches::: Yes, but not like the fiction says
::Miracles::: yes
::What Do You Think About Abortion::: I'm against it. Ok?
::Premarital Sex::: Why not?
::Life On Other Planets::: yeah
::Porn::: Whatever floats your boat, I guess
::Cosmetic Surgery::: Against it, unless it is reconstructional

::Sing Well::: quite well
::Play An Instrument::: several
::Write Well::: yes
::Skateboard::: no
::Take A Shot Without A Chaser::: no. I dont drink
::Say the Alphabet Backwards::: no. i struggle with the forwards version
::Snow Board::: no
::Juggle::: yes
::Do A Split::: no
::Draw::: yes

::Plan On Marriage::: I'd like to get married, yes
:: Kids::: I'd LOVE to have kids :D
::And Their Names::: erm, Jack for a boy, and Nelli for a girl
::Occupation::: An archaeologist or a freelance translator
::Where You Want To Live::: wherever I am happy
::Big Or Small House::: small apartment
::Do You Want To Live Near People::: yes
::Long Driveway Or Short::: short
::Income::: enough
::Cars::: maybe 1

::Wal-mart/Target::: ASDA
::Chocolate/Vanilla::: Vanilla
::Night/Day::: hot, summers days, like at the docks last summer :D we cooked bacon on pieces of metal, went fishing and swam in our lunchbreak
::McDonalds/Burger King::: either goes when I'm hungry.
::Cats/Dogs::: dogs
::Fruits/Veggies::: fruits
::Pillows/Blankets::: blankets
::Pepsi/Coke::: Pepsi
::Alcohol/Weed::: Neither. Both disgust me
::Reading/Writing::: reading

::Biggest Fear::: to lose someone close to me
::Compliment You Get Often::: about how motivated i am
::What Would You Change About Yourself::: I'd like to be more attractive
::Regrets::: many
::Gotten Arrested::: nearly....
::Are You Ticklish::: yes
::Longest Relationship::: technically 9 months, really though, 4 weeks
::Regrets::: see above
::How Much TV Do You Watch::: not a lot
::What color Is Your Room::: White, Blue, Green, Turquoise, with stars on the blinds, mirrored wardrobes, black bed, my piano is silver.... and i have teddies everywhere :D

Hmmm....Tiistai 20.02.2007 01:45

Don't you just love it when, having worked your arse off solid for an entire year, on the one day when you feel "okei" with yourself, and everything, someone comes and shoots you down in flames.

I may be gone from The Devil Store, but certainly I am not forgotten. It's now well over a year since the big fight within our social group, but Richard still hasnt got over the fact that I didnt want him then, and will never ever want him.

He responded to this, by asking out my bestfriend, less than 4 hours after I turned him down.
And then, in the following 40 days, he managed to turn my friend against our entire social circle, until she became 100% dependent on him.
And, well, too much is never enough, is it? So then, on my friend's birthday, him, knowing full well that I was allergic to alcohol, decided to put some in my drink whilst I was bowling. When I took a sip, I tasted the alcohol, and he and my former friend burst into giggles.
I then asked Danielle, had she seen anything. And she stormed off, and then a few minutes later, Richard came striding up to our group and proceeded to scream his head off at me in the middle of a packed bowling alley.

The rest of that evening went fucking terribly. Everytime I tried to speak to one of my friends,he would physically stop it from happening, by making a total idiot of himself, and constandtly belittling me. Which is lovely. We went to a restaurant from the bowling alley, and whilst waiting for food etc, our group was talking, and then, my ex's phone rang. At the time, her ringtone was "Out of the Shadows" by The Rasmus, and as had become "normal", we did a little piss-take dance. Danielle joined in, before richard physically stopped her. Cunt.

Then the social situation kinda degraded. Danielle started skipping school to spend time with Him, and in the end, she skipped some of her A-Levels, the most important exams we could take. So automatically, she failed them, for him.

He was in my history class, and he didnt even bother writing anything in his exams. Which is laughable, because a year earlier he'd bragged that he would be the only one of our group to ever make something of himself. He had big plans to go to Law School, and become a Lawyer. Several times, after that night, he reduced me to tears during the lessons we shared, something that Ash (my teacher) picked up on, and constantly tried to avoid.

A memorable moment was when my sister stormed into the classroom, had a go at Richard, and, then, when stopped by Ash, she proceeded to steal my phone, and show the messages that I had sent.

But yeah... I digress....

Last weekend, I was in the UK for a family occasion. On Saturday, I had my haircut, to a style I had wanted for some time. I was feeling absolutely great about myself, which dont really happen very often. I had arranged to go into my old workplace to give my friend Phil a present that I owed him. And so I went, and it was cool. And then, I saw Richard... still flipping burgers 24/7, and yeah. But he kindly said to everyone that I had put on a lot of weight, looked like a lesbian, and that I should "fuck off back to where I belong."

For god's sakes, it has been over a year. Why cant he just get over the fact that what happened happend, and that I, unlike him, have chosen to pursue my dream and gain independence. It makes my blood boil that he dare say that about me, because he is supposed to be mature.

Iäm immature for complaining, but I dont care. I hate him with a passion I never knew existed.

And now, I have a "friend" telling me that I should forgive him.

This is the guy that sent me death threats, abusive messages, spiked my drink with a substance that could quite possibly have killed me, isolated a friend and poisoned her againstus, to the point where she burned all the memories from our times together.

You've gotta be kidding me.

Koti on siellä sydämesi on...Tiistai 20.02.2007 00:21

ja sitten, mä luulen että koti on suomessa :)

After a fucking crappy week at work, there is only one week until I go for a "holiday" in the UK. Wooptymotherfuckingdo. But yeah, so I just went to check on my booking etc, and find out that I have NO CONFIRMATION NUMBER, which is needed to check in. The words "For fucks sakes" don't even cover this one.

I have quite possibly the worst flatmate on earth. The kitchen looks like a small nuclear weapon has exploded, and I'm expected to clean up.... I clean up after everything I do, whilst she makes a mess, and then goes and does whatever the fuck she does, expecting me to do it.

On top of that, I'm trying to find out what time my friend is working next Saturday, so I can go and surprise him at my old workplace. Asking my boss is one option, but I want it to be a surprise, and so that is totally out of the question.

I dont want to go and pretend that everything is alright, when it's not. I feel yet again like breaking something, because nothing seems to be going right.
In my last 2 years of Sixth Form, I basically threw away my education because I figured that other things were more important.

How wrong I was. When I was at Sopukka, the week before last, we were told that, when our projects here end, we will get no more support from CIMO, the Finnish National Agency who are funding our stays here. I found out on Monday, that my project ends on 31.05, whereas I leave Finland on 14.6. Which has 2 weeks where I am getting no support from anyone. So, if I'm gonna survive, I have to save nearly all my "wages". Impossible.

Then, once I'm back in England, the fun and games really do begin. I will need a job. Fair dues, but for me, finding a job is a nearly impossible task. Whilst "prioritising" at Sixth Form, I forgot that I was there to get good grades, so that I had a future.

Basically, the future is not bright. I have no decent qualifications, no hope of getting a job upon my return to the UK, and basically, nothing.

I'm fucked.

Bored bored bored bored bored....Lauantai 03.02.2007 02:48

Yes... I'm VERY bored.

So bored, that I'm blogging, AND thinking with numbers over 10.

It's true!!

I worked out that between now and leaving Finland *sigh*, I have about 60 days where I'm not working....

And if you think I'm staying 60 days in this flat if I dont have to, you're very wrong. I hate it in here.

So........ I'm asking that anyone who reads this blog, has the kindness in their hearts to suggest cheap places that I could spend some of this time....

And also, could someone tell me what I would expect to pay to go to Stockholm and Tallinn?

1) Would you kiss the last person you kissed, again?

(2) How many girlfriends/ boyfriends have told you they love you?
4. but only one time have they actually been my boyfriend.

(3) Have you ever thought that you were going to marry a person?

(4) Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?

(5) Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?

(6) Are you happier single or in a relationship?
Seeing as i dont have relationships, i cant comment.

(7) Have you ever been cheated on?

(8) Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?

(9) Have you ever had your heart broken?

(10) If you could go back in time and change things, would you?

(11) Think any of your ex's feel the same?

(12) Do you believe that you are a good girlfriend/boyfriend or friend?
i'm a good friend, but a crap girlfriend....

(13) Have you dated someone who was not good to you?
Chris was a cunt...

(14) Have you dated someone older than you?
yes, he was 22, and I was 17

(15) Younger?
erm, I dont think so

(16) Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
no, cause there is always a reason as to why things went wrong.

(17) Do you Believe in love at first sight?

(18) Ever been given an engagement ring?

(19)Ever been given a promise ring?

(20) Do you ever want to get married?

(21) Has anyone ever told you they wanted to marry you?

(22) Ever liked your friend's boyfriend or girlfriend?

(23) Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?