
Missä sun äiti on?Maanantai 06.11.2006 20:32

Today, as I was getting ready to walk home, Otto, a 3 year old at the kindergarten came up to me and asked where I was going.

I told him that I was going home, because I'd finished work for the day. He seemed happy with that, and stood watching me put on all my outdoor clothes. Then, he looked up at me and said "But where is your mummy?"
"In England." I replied.
" your daddy coming to get you?" he asked.
"No...he's in England too..."

It was really really cute, but at the same time a bit saddening. Like many people I've met here in Finland, he was under the impression that I live with my family. But no, I don't. I live in a flat with a crazy chinese student, a penguin, 2 monsters that Vëë made me (for my birthday, and when I left), and a badger called Alarik.... not exactly rock'n'roll, but it does me...


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