
i hate him, i hate him, i hate him!!Tiistai 27.11.2007 16:29

i'm absolutely exhausted. I've only had 4 hours sleep last night, which is bad times all round. I overslept by an hour, thus missed my TEFL lecture :-/ I'm angry that I'm overslept. But I'm angrier still, that I allowed myself to do it. My attitude to my studies is quite frankly at the moment dreadful, and I really need to get my arse into gear and change things. I've made some amends- in that I actually worked over the weekend to meet deadlines etc etc. But that still leaves alot to be desired.

Pav and James persuaded me to go out with them last night. It was a free event, so I didn't really begrudge it in that sense. But it wasn't the liveliest of nights, and it was made worse by the arrival of some of James' friends- including the delightful Becky and Fiona. I'm sure that they're nice enough, but I really don't approve of the way that Becky's treating Mike, who I feel very protective over, and as for the other girl, she was all over James, which wasn't my idea of fun.
But using the crap night as our excuse, Pav and I left the club and returned back to the flat, and ended up sitting in the kitchen with Ade and having a chat, which is really nice, 'cause we don't really talk to him much, but he is actually a really sound guy- he's got a fantastic work ethic, is mature, and is also really sensible, which makes a change from some of the other flatmates, not that I have anything against them. Noh, in fact the total opposite is true: I love and respect them all dearly!

But yeah. Just as I was getting ready for bed, James came home. First I knew of it, was when he knocked on my door as I was about to walk into the kitchen. He wanted to talk to me, because Sean was trying to pull Fiona. Heh. Like I give a flying monkey's about that?! Grrr. But yeah, he didn't bother in the end, and then we all sat in the kitchen talking. Then everyone went to bed, but I couldn't actually sleep.
Neither could James though, so he came and hung out in my room for a while...and I'm starting to think that he didn't leave until shortly before 5, 'cause we were talking way past 4am 'cause I remember commenting about it...which means he would have left around 4:45 o.O fucking hell. That explains the tiredness.

Had quite an ok conversation, although I did get a little riled towards the end, as he was in my bed. Fiend. But yeah, he persuaded me to miss my lecture today, which was bad times. Bad bad times. And OMG. I really am starting to lose my patience with him...slating guys I like, teasing me about things... I'm sick of being seen as one of the guys, rather than the girl that I am. You know?
I went early yesterday evening to the shop with Mike, and he said something and I said "you shouldn't say that in front of a lady", to which he replied "but you're just one of the guys." And that hit me like a smack in the face.

What's it gonna take for people to see me as a girl?!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.11.2007 04:29

mä vihaan, että mä tykkään hänestä niin kauheasti. Se tarkoittaa, että kun hän on tytön kanssa, mä oon tosi kateellinen. aina. mutta herranjumala, miks TOI tyttö?!
Noh, tänä iltana, mentiin klubiin. Se oli siellä tylsää (niin mä oon nyt kotona). Mutta hän sanoi meille "no, odota vähän- älä mee!" o...k.... niin odotimme. ja odotimme. sitten hän sanoi, "toi tyttö on tulossa..." Uh-oh. En tykkää hänestä, kun hän nimittelee mua kun en ole paikalla, ja oikeasti, hän on kauhea. Voin sanoa sama hänen ystävästä- mun kaveri mike tykkää toinen tytöstä, ja hän "tykkää" hänestäkin...tai, ainakin kun hän halua *rolleye* hänellä on 2 pojat... mike, ja toinen poika. mike ei ole ok tästä, mut hän ei sanoo mitään hänelle, niin hän uskoo, että se on ok. Grrrrr.
Sitten kun oon mike tai jarmon kanssa, mä pitäisi kuulla, miten he ovat onneton yms yms. niin, kun kello on 3 aamulla, en halua kuulla sitä, se EI OO MUN ONGELMANI, mutta en voi sanoa mitään kun he ovat mun ystäviäni -___- prkl. Vihaan siitä, ja en voi uskoa, että aina se on samaa tilanne- always the bridesmaid, never the bride. <suru>
heh! mull on nyt violetit tukat :D
ens lauantaina oon menossa Nottinghamiin The 69 Eyesin katsomassa :D:D:D:D:D

English for residents of Flat 12Lauantai 24.11.2007 15:26

How about that?
Good times
Bad times
Cool beans! See you around! x x
Yeah bwoi!

....and many many more ^-^

uh-oh, here come's trouble...Perjantai 23.11.2007 23:45

voi vitsi.
Tänä yönä on Chav Night klubilla ^-^ jippii! oon menos sinne muuten kanssa, ja bailataan!!!
Se olisi ihan mahdollinen, et James voi nukkua mun sängyssä taas o.O
Noh, ainakin se OLI. Mä oon saanut viesti Markilta jotka lukee, et hän on tulossa yliopistoon.
Bugger bugger and bugger

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.11.2007 14:42

nukuin viime yönä mun naapurin kanssa. hän vielä nukkuu mun sängyssäni, ja en ole mennyt kurssiin tänä aamuna. olenko mä kauhea :-O
Nukuimme klo 7 aamulla- 10, ja hän normaalisesti nousee klo 12.

paras hetki oli, kun hän kysyi multa, kuka mä tykkään o.O eiks oo helppoa nähdä että mä tykkään hänestä?!?!?!?!? voi -___-

Footy footy footy!!Tiistai 20.11.2007 20:11

Tuesday is 5-aside day for the boys of Flat 12.
They lost today 4-1. Not as good as last week, but better than the first match (21-0 to the opposition)
It's bloody raining again too. Yay.
And I had a German test....first I knew about it was when I was given the exam paper.....ähm, scheiss ^^ yeah....but I'm confident that it wont be as bad as my French exam- 22.5% :D Absymal, even by my poor standards <3

I'm making Fudge today <3<3<3
And then James is buying me dinner. Chinese Food is the best :D

Hell hath no fury...Tiistai 20.11.2007 16:16 a bunch of flatmates scorned.
The party on Saturday night- nothing broke, was stolen or damaged....well....actually...
basically, we had balloons and we wrote on them in permanent markers. that's ok :) but people got so fucking drunk you won't believe, and spilt alcohol on our floor. the alcohol drew the ink from the balloons and has stained the floor.
bleach won't remove it.
jack's vodka is doing a slight bit better.
we've agreed to chip in and buy some meths and some cillit bang... that's GOT to work. but fuck me, they'll have to replace our floor and fine us if we can't get it out.
We're not gonna pay.

in other news, it was Idiot Features' birthday yesterday. we celebrated a little bit, not as much as saturday, but you know :)
Anywho, some of us went to International Night. It sucked, Rob and Sean were so wasted that they spilt alcohol on me. and yeah.
early night.
then had to deal with Him going on about the girl he likes. I don't want to hear it.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 14.11.2007 17:17

mä sain tänä aamuna viesti vanha-ystävältä. joku mies mun koulusta on kuollut eilen. Hän oli vain 19 :-( elämä on liian lyhyt.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 13.11.2007 15:25

apparently, there's something wrong with me. i have an extremely negative attitude towards men.

Is it any wonder?!

Living with 9 men for the past 7 weeks has given me very good reason, which only proves my previous years of general mistrust towards the opposite sex. idiots.