


is a crazy teapot

art stalkerTiistai 20.01.2009 08:05

i'm stalking them... :D i like em.. its cool!

oh yeah. i'm ok. nothing big to report. nothing that you wouldnt already gather, i still dont have any money, but i'm starting to get back with my old friends finialy. their trying to convince me to stay here in australia.. and i must admit their reasons make alot of sence...
oh well..
i dont know... life is pretty fucked around here now days... i really wish i could talk to my fins, but their never on when i am, and i'm hardly ever on now, and i dont think i could tell u everything that has happened either.
i miss you
so much
i was talking with my friend colleen last night she stayed over. and i was exsplaining that... i. i dont know who i am anymore. i used to... and i should still... but i dont know who i am without you any more, i have this over whelming feeling of incomplete and alone its quiet frightenig for me.. i just hope all the angst go away whne i come back to oulu.
me and colleen had the best fun last night though... tormenting her boyfriend on the phone and then we stayed up till 6am just talking and laughing about old times and having deep and meaningfulls <3
it was nice
i should go, colleens still here and i have to feed the poor thing XP
bye every one. i miss you and love you so much

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