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have you ever blalablala.Lauantai 26.02.2011 03:21

taken a really long survey
failed a grade
failed a class
been late to school
lost everyone you had
been disowned
spent all day just watching tv
spent hours and hours on myspace or AIM
crashed your own computer
eaten a whole box of cookies yourself
had your heart broken
broken someone else's heart
felt like you wanted to die
had a hangover
cooked a whole meal for someone else
had someone buy you a present
bought someone else a present

been swimming in the ocean
fell asleep on the beach
ran up a huge cell phone bill
been drunk
partied all night

planned a party that wasn't your birthday
had more than one person mad at you at the same time
had a rumor started about you
started a rumor about someone else
gotten revenge on someone
had someone give you payback
played on a sports team
broken a bone
sang in public
won a contest

won money in a contest
gotten in trouble with the law
had sex
been on a date
had a job

gotten fired
gotten screamed at
gtten accused of something you never did
eaten pizza for breakfast
stayed up for 2 days straight
drank more than 2 monsters at once
had a childhood crush
had to get glasses
gotten a shot
been really sick

passed out
had amnesia
watched spongebob
had a near death experience
walked a dog
seen an animal give birth
seen a person give birth
cleaned the whole house by yourself
been homeless
hurt yourself on purpose
lost someone close to you
cried from being so scared
gotten suspended
gotten detention
been expelled
been obsessed with something
been a stalker
had a stalker
met a celebrity
had a celebritys phone number
had to get your number change
found out something about someone you didn't want to know
been sunburnt
been dehydrated
ridden on a motorcycle
got your liscence
danced in the rain
kissed in the rain

been grounded from the computer
been grounded from the phone
wrote a song
wrote a poem
wrote a story
tried to commit suicide
been in a mental hospital
gotten counseling
gotten into a verbal fight
gotten into a physical fight
had surgery
been diagnosed with a disease
taken a pregnancy test
talked in your sleep
been to a sleepover

watched movies all day
cuddled with someone you love

fell asleep under the stars
been camping
been kicked out of your house
kicked someone out of your house
slept for more than 12 hours straight
threw up in public
gotten a bad grade on a project you worked forever on
been confused
been too tired to think

given CPR
called 911
been to a wedding
been to a funeral

won a karaoke contest
seen a spider you were too afraid to kill
been grocery shopping
been lonely
spent all day crying

been in a coma
read the twilight series
read any classics like huckleberry finn or the miracle worker
gotten in a fight with the principal
been in a car crash
been in a plane crash
been to church
had a picnic

worked on a farm
milked a cow
been on a field trip
been to an art museum
taken a long bubble bath

been to a five star resturaunt
stayed in a fancy hotel
been swimming in an indoor pool
lost a lot of weight
had the perfect kiss

was in the wrong place at the wrong time
hated yourself
truly hated someone

been in a gang
had a deathwish
written a will
went to a skatepark
been called ugly
been called fat
been called emo
been called prep
been laughed at
been made fun of

been called stupid
been complimented
been annoyed
been depressed

been crushed
wished you could just go back to being a kid again
spent a whole day sitting inside of your memories
drew a mural
wrote an autobiography
drank orange juice
moved to another state
moved to another city
moved to another country
moved to another continent
gotten a passport
been on a cruise

played a board game
cheated on a test
been caught cheating
had someone cheat off of you
paid someone to do your homework
paid someone to do something for you
been to a carnival
been to a fair

snuck out of the house
snuck someone in the house
woken up during the afternoon
had someone mistake you for someone else
been offended
been married
been engaged
done something illegal
choked on something
played dance dance revolution at the mall
been too upset to talk
lost your voice
felt out of place

made your own survey
spent all day on bzoink
changed your profile picture more than four times in one day
had a splinter
threatened someone

been threatened
been blackmailed
danced in public
played with matches
rated a survey

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