


Life is beautiful <3

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I wanna watch you sleeping peaceful
Resting your heart and your soul
We should never awake without the other
Lying by our side

I wanna learn from the calm with which you
Aim at your dreams and your goals
And IÂ’m sure your stories always will unfold

I try to get you up
But you go down
And you are not okay

I wanna carry you
But you wonÂ’t get up
ItÂ’s really killing me
You know itÂ’s killing me

I wanna join you sleeping peaceful
Feeling the sun in our room
What a plenty of rays and beaming light
Surely, it does me good

I wanna trust the pulse
In which decay is followed by bloom
And IÂ’m sure any flaw will turn out beautiful

I try to get you up
But you go down
And you are not okay

I wanna carry you
But you wonÂ’t get up
ItÂ’s really killing me
You know itÂ’s killing me

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