


Half of smokers die coz of tobacco, but life takes everyone
Monday, July 10th, 2006

Naw.. Ya donÂ’t say? Get outta here!

Jeremy Laurance

A universal mystical experience with life-changing effects can be produced by the hallucinogen contained in magic mushrooms, scientists claim today.

Forty years after Timothy Leary, the apostle of drug-induced mysticism, urged his hippie followers to “tune in, turn on, and drop out”, researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, have for the first time demonstrated that mystical experiences can be produced safely in the laboratory. They say that there is no difference between drug-induced mystical experiences and the spontaneous religious ones that believers have reported for centuries. They are “descriptively identical”.

And they argue that the potential of the hallucinogenic drugs, ignored for decades because of their links with illicit drug use in the 1960s, must be explored to develop new treatments for depression, drug addiction and the treatment of intolerable pain.

Anticipating criticism from church leaders, they say they are not interested in the “Does God exist?” debate. “This work can’t and won’t go there.”

Interest in the therapeutic use of psychedelic drugs is growing around the world. In the UK, the Royal College of Psychiatrists debated their use at a conference in March for the first time in 30 years. A conference held in Basel, Switzerland, last January reviewed the growing psychedelic psychiatry movement.

The drug psilocybin is the active ingredient of magic mushrooms which grow wild in Wales and were openly sold in London markets until a change in the law last year.

For the US study, 30 middle-aged volunteers who had religious or spiritual interests attended two eight-hour drug sessions, two months apart, receiving psilocybin in one session and a non-hallucinogenic stimulant, Ritalin, in the other. They were not told which drug was which.
One third described the experience with psilocybin as the single most spiritually significant of their lifetimes and two thirds rated it among their five most meaningful experiences.

In more than 60 per cent of cases the experience qualified as a “full mystical experience” based on established psychological scales, the researchers say. Some likened it to the importance of the birth of their first child or the death of a parent.

The effects persisted for at least two months. Eighty per cent of the volunteers reported moderately or greatly increased well-being or life satisfaction. Relatives, friends and colleagues confirmed the changes.

The study is one of the first in the new discipline of “neurotheology” - the neurology of religious experience. The researchers, who report their findings in the online journal Psychopharmacology, say that their aim is to explore the possible benefits drugs like psilocybin can bring. Professor Roland Griffiths of the department of neuroscience and psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, said: “As a reaction to the excesses of the 1960s, human research with hallucinogens has been basically frozen in time.

“I had a healthy scepticism going into this. [But] under defined conditions, with careful preparation, you can safely and fairly reliably occasion what’s called a primary mystical experience that may lead to positive changes in a person. It is an early step in what we hope will be a large body of scientific work that will ultimately help people.”

A third of the volunteers became frightened during the drug sessions with some reporting feelings of paranoia. The researchers say psilocybin is not toxic or addictive, unlike alcohol and cocaine, but that volunteers must be accompanied throughout the experience by people who can help them through it.

Samaa sanoi Timothy Leary jo aikoja sitten. Henkilökohtaisesti, tiedän mistä puhutaan. Niin psilocybin kuin LSD:kin aiheuttaa visuaalisten harhojen lisäksi voimakkaita muutoksia tajunnantilassa. Aineet eivät aiheuta addiktiota (lähinnä näiden käytön jälkeen ei tee mieli mitään) ja varsinkin psilocybintripin jälkeen, olen löytänyt Zenmäisen rauhallisuuden, totaalisen kontrollin ja tasapainon.

Huomautan että suomessahan näiden nauttiminen on laitonta, kiitos jenkkien läpiajaman YK:n huumausainesopimuksen, mutta aina voi mennä Hollantiin, jossa ihmisen tarpeiden tyydytystä ei rajoiteta. Tai odottaa syksyä ja lähtee noukkimaan omassa luonnossamme kasvavia silokkeja. Ollaan vaan sit kaikki varovaisia niiden annostuksen kanssa. Henki siinä ei mene, mutta trippi voi olla muuten epämiellyttävä ihmiselle jolle totuus on aina löytynyt alkoholista.

- Piski

Prisoners being interrogated at Guantánamo have been:

• held in solitary confinement for periods exceeding a year;
• deprived of sleep for days and weeks and, in at least one case, months;
• exposed to prolonged temperature extremes;
• beaten;
• threatened with transfer to a foreign country, for torture;
• tortured in foreign countries or at U.S. military bases abroad before transfer to Guantánamo;
• sexually harassed and raped or threatened with rape;
• deprived of medical treatment for serious conditions, or allowed treatment only on the condition that they “cooperate” with interrogators; and
• routinely “short-shackled” (wrists and ankles bound together and to the floor) for hours and even days during interrogations.

These aggressive interrogation techniques, when coupled with the stress of indefinite, arbitrary detention, have caused the prisoners tremendous psychological and physical injury. At least one prisoner nearly died during an interrogationÂ….

Poljetaan nyt ne ihmisoikeudet kunnolla, että varmasti riittää syytä vihata.
Testataan viiskytluvun oppeja, niin kohta saadaan vihaamaan koko vitun maailma.

Pitäisi kokeilla, vuorokausi tai pari ihan vaan sidottuna, huputettuna, tönittävänä, alistettavana. Mutta pelkkä henkilökohtainen testikään ei anna täyttä kuvaa, siitä puuttuu aina epätietoisuus pois pääsemisestä.

- Piski
Friday, July 7th, 2006

The world seems to live well with all lies about the reasons for War and Terrorism in Israel and the whole Arab area. ItÂ’s time to blow away the heavy fog in our brains:

When I read all the articles that are published nowadays about an Israeli corporal in the hands of Hamas “terrorists”, I can only react by a big laugh. The whole world has completely gone crazy and has forgotten the true reasons and sources about the alarming situation in Israel and Palestine.

But letÂ’s start from the beginning:

- It is true that the area of todayÂ’s Israel is the home-land of the
Jews. It is equally true that it is the home-land of some Arabs,
especially the one of the Palestinians.

- It is true that Israel was attacked by Arab countries who wanted send
that fast growing and atomic nation in the Mediterranean Sea. And the
whole world was proud that this intent was not successful - some years
agoÂ… These were the best high-times of esteem for the Israelis ever.

- It is true that the Palestinians made some terror in order to get
their own rights back in their own country. But it was always false to
name this matter “Terrorism“. Israeli called their own fight a struggle
for freedom. But both in fact is just the same: For the successful, it
was always a fight for freedom - and for their victims, it was always
called “Terrorism“. Same goes for the USA and the rest of the World.

- It is true that Israeli molested the Palestine folks for decenniums. I
always shouted at the TV-screen: “Cowards, Palestinians, when will you
strike back, finally? Israelis answer with bullets against childrensÂ’
stones during its Intifada, steal all the water for their own use, make
plat olive groves, give no chances for the future of Palestinian folksÂ….
goddamn, do something…” My shouting was heard, when for the first time a
human being made himself explode in a coffee-house in Tel Aviv.

- It is true that the USA are completely blind on one eye. For reasons,
no one can ever understand, they can never see state-Terrorism of Israel
and of their own (Vietnam, Chile, Argentine etc.). But they point out
very sharply any reactions of Palestinians, Bin Laden, al Qaida and all
the rest that was provoked by the USA themselves (assistance Saddam
Hussein against Iran, Taliban against Russians to take over their place,
all right-wing monsters throughout many states on Earth for the last 50
years). In fact, we experience a War of terror against a cynical
hegemonial and atomic nation, some of the worst we had ever on Earth.

- It is true that the USA possesses in George W. the most stupid
politician ever of the World. He and his bunch of Karl-Rove-criminals
will never understand how the world is organized and that the wealth of
the Earth does not belong alone to the richest people and companies in
the USA.

- It is true that terror is in effect in Israel, but it is also true
that Sharon and some other Israeli monsters have provoked these
reactions by state terror of the worst kind ever experienced in this

- It is true that it is not nice to fetch some corporal and threaten
with killing him. But it is also not nice that Israelis killed and still
kill PalestineÂ’s children, women and democratically elected politicians
- without even asking - and that the USA, the UNO and all the rest of
cynical criminals throughout the World just accept this state of

- It is true that the Palestinians will overrun Israel some of these
days and that the army of Israel could do nothing against it. This is
alone the guilt of the Israeli governments of the last 50 years and the
one of George W. Bush and his incredibly stupid bunch of US-American
cynics and atrocious eager capitalists, with a short sight in their
world view that cannot be exceeded - and that can be called: “World
record in stupidity and destruction of the future of all generations to

Now, think a little about these few lines. I donÂ’t want to be forced
anymore to read stupid articles in any newspaper of the world about
Terrorism in Israel and the whole Arab area, just because people donÂ’t
grasp reality any more in this self-produced CHAOS in which we are
forced to live in since years.

And the crazy fog in all our heads will become heavier from day to day,
since our understanding about the mechanics in this world has become a
mess - in 99 percent of the brains of todayÂ’s humanity - especially with
the help of Murdoch- and Berlusconi-Media and all FOX-TV stations in
this shredder-news-world of highest superficiality and money-stupidity.

Profit-maximation instead of common sense? ItÂ’s your choice from now onÂ…
and your destiny. - Do you really disagree with this analysis?

René Delavy

Author of “Democracy = Dictatorship of dull majorities” - -

Gary McKinnon | GuardianPerjantai 07.07.2006 18:33

Gary McKinnonia rupeaa huolestuttamaan. Tällähetkellä näyttäisi että tämän brittiläisen 40-vuotiaan 2001 tekemät hakkeroinnit jenkkien puolustusvoimien verkkoon ratkaistaisiin lopulta jenkkien tuomioistuimessa...,,1814821,00.html

- Piski

CPA Official DocumentsPerjantai 07.07.2006 16:03

Order 1: Kieltää Ba'ath puolueen johtajien ja jäsenten osallistumisen politiikkaan, julkisen sektorin töihin ja jopa ne jotka ovat vain puolueen jäseniä, voivat joutua rikostutkinnan alle hakiessaan julkisen sektorin työpaikkaa.

Pahimman luokan poliittista vainoa sanon minä. Tähän tietenkin lisäksi se että Saddamin ja entisen hallituksen symbolit on kielletty, mikä lienee osaltaan vahvistanut vastarinnan päättäväisyyttä.

Order 2: Lueteltu ne järjestöt mitkä CPA on katsonut vahingoittavansa heidän toimintaa Irakin jälleenrakentamiseksi, sekä toimenpiteet jäsenten erottamiseksi (pykäliä koskien palkkausta, sekä mm. tittelinmenetys, etc). Mielenkiintoinen pointti listassa, The National Olympic Committee (kansallinen olympiakomitea). MIKSI? :)

Ja lost -faneille turha tieto, Sayiidin Republican Guardkin löytyy listassa, eli nippelitietona, Sayiid lähti Irakista kun jenkit lopettivat hänen työnantajansa :P

Jenkithän lopetti armeijan lisäksi 7 (puoli/)sotilaallista organisaatiota. Vastarinnan ovat itse imperialistit (hatespeech) luoneet.

Order 3: Aseenkantoluvista ja rangaistuksista.
Order 4 - 6: Ba'ath puolueen omaisuuden uudelleenjaosta Irakin valtiolle.
Order 7: Kuolemantuomiosta luopuminen + muu oikeuskäytäntö.
Order 8: Opiskeluoikeus ulkomailla opiskeluun.
Order 9: Asetus julkisten tilojen luovuttamisesta.
Order 10: Asetus vankiloista (sisä- ja työministeriöt vastasivat, siirretään oikeusministeriölle).

Jatketaan tästä.
- Piski

CPA Official DocumentsPerjantai 07.07.2006 14:20

Ei noita oo kuin 12 regulationia, 100 orderia, 17 memoa ja kourallinen muuta luettavaa.
Noista pitäisi käydä ilmi miten jaettiin Saddamin jälkeen Irakin öljyt.

Alun perusteella 95% valtion viennistä jälleenrakennukseen, turvallisuuteen etc. valtion rakentamiseen ja 5% korvausrahastoon. Mutta miten Federal Reserve sopii kuvaan, kun se ei edes ole jenkkien hallituksen organisaatio? Tai BIS (Bank of International Settlements)?

Kysymyksiä, kysymyksiä, etsitään vastauksia.

- Piski
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission on Wednesday (5 July) came close to saying Israel's attack on Gaza violates international law, as socialist and liberal MEPs accused the EU of double standards on Tel Aviv.

"The Israeli military must stop collectively punishing Palestinians and putting civilian lives at risk. And I must say, it does raise questions of international law," external relations commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner told MEPs in Strasbourg.

"Israel has to understand its responsibility for the well-being of the Palestinian people," she added. "Those detained [by Israel] must be accorded their full legal rights."

Her remarks come after talks on kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit broke down on Tuesday night threatening a full-scale Israeli invasion of the densely-populated, poverty-stricken Gaza strip.

Israel has knocked out Gaza's electricity and water and sealed the border in response to the Shalit crisis, blocking EU efforts to start humanitarian aid payments on 1 July. It has also seized 64 Hamas government officials and bombed Palestinian Authority buildings.

Meanwhile, a Gaza-fired rocket on Tuesday night hit an empty school in the Israeli town of Ashkelon, within earshot of 80 EU border monitors housed nearby.

"We heard it. But we don't have the feeling that we are at risk," an EU border mission spokeswoman told EUobserver from Ashkelon. "The strange thing is people here are so used to this, life just goes on as normal."

Wording matters
Ms Ferrero-Waldner's comment - bracketed by appeals for Mr Shalit's release - echoes the Swiss foreign ministry, which said on Monday that Israel's assault is "forbidden by international law" because it "is a form of collective punishment."

But the EU's Finnish presidency and EU top diplomat Javier Solana have been softer on Israel so far, expressing "concern" and "regret" while saying Israel and Palestine - not the EU - must find a solution to the crisis.

"In my view, our reaction has been extremely-well balanced and highlights the need for both sides to act to diffuse the situation," Finnish EU affairs minister Paula Lehtomaki stated. "We also call on Israel to end the military operation."

The largest group in the European Parliament - the conservatives - took a similar line, with German foreign affairs committee chief and conservative MEP Elmar Brok urging diplomacy and a return to two-state talks.

"It's really hard to say who is right and who is wrong in this circle of violence," he said, while British conservative MEP Charles Tannock and Polish conservative Marek Siwiec went further in backing Israeli leader Ehud Olmert.

"Olmert had no choice. The Palestinians must understand that every action engenders a reaction," Mr Tannock said.

Bloody murder
But left-wing MEPs accused Israel of using the Shilat crisis to try and topple the newly-elected Hamas government, while highlighting Israeli killings of Palestinian civilians in June and the fact Israel currently holds 9,600 Palestinian "political prisoners" in its jails.

"A state that acts like this is no different from a terrorist organisation," Belgian socialist MEP and the former head of the EU's Gaza election monitoring mission, Veronique de Keyser, said. "We have to say: enough - you have gone mad."

"Where's the condemnation from Europe? There is none," British liberal Chris Davies added. "The double standards are rank. We make the Palestinians jump through hoops but we let the Israelis get away with bloody murder."

Ollaan päästy jo siihen puolentoistaeuroon/litra. Ongelman on aiheuttanut kulutuksen kasvaminen, resurssien väheneminen ja jenkkien aiheuttamat muut ongelmat lähi-idässä (Irak, Iran). Siinä vaiheessa kun öljytynnyrin hinta ylittyy USD100 (tämänhetkinen about USD70), voidaan ruveta puhumaan raskasöljyn jalostamisen kannattavuudesta, mikä ei sinällään aiheuta hinnan tippumista, vaan hinnan nousun hidastumista, kysynnän edelleen kasvaessa.

Yksi suurimmista raskasöljykentistä löytyy Venezuelasta, jonka poliittisen johdon kanssa jenkeillä on jo valmiiksi ongelmia.
Jos öljyn hinnan nousu jatkaa samaa rataa, ollaan sadassa dollarissa/tynnyri jo parin vuoden sisällä.
Ja kuten megakorporaatiomaailma toimii, osakkeenomistajien tulothan ei saa tippua, siksi siis ainoastaan kuluttajat häviävät. Hinnan noususta johtuva kulutuksen vähentäminen siis nostaa hintoja jo ennestään.

Öljyn hinta vaikuttaa suoraan kuljetuksen hintaan, ja mikä vaikuttaa kuljetuksen hintaan, vaikuttaa kuljetettavan tuotteen hintaan. Muistakaapa tämä, samalla kun varaudutte talven energiankulutukseen. Bensan hinta 2007/95E/1,80e/l.
Joko ois aika potkiä päättäjiin järkeä?

- Piski
The election race south of the US border is officially too close to call. Now, where have we heard that before?

As in Florida in 2000, and as in Ohio in 2004, the exit polls show the voters voted for the progressive candidate. The race is "officially" too close to call. But they will call it - after they steal it.

Reuters reports that, as of 8pm eastern time, as voting concluded in Mexico, exit polls showed Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the "leftwing" party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) leading...

Coup d'etat Mexico?
Ja maanosa kerrallaan kuninkaat polvistuvat uuden saatanan edessä...

Tämä ei voi jatkua.

- Piski
The united states of total paranoia
Jeremy Clarkson

I know Britain is full of incompetent water board officials and stabbed Glaswegians but even so I fell on my knees this morning and kissed the ground, because IÂ’ve just spent three weeks trying to work in America.

It’s known as the land of the free and I’m sure it is if you get up in the morning, go to work in a petrol station, eat nothing but double-egg burgers — with cheese — and take your children to little league. But if you step outside the loop, if you try to do something a bit zany, you will find that you’re in a police state.

We begin at Los Angeles airport in front of an immigration official who, like all his colleagues, was selected for having no grace, no manners, no humour, no humanity and the sort of IQ normally found in farmyard animals. He scanned my form and noted there was no street number for the hotel at which I was staying.

“I’m going to need a number,” he said. “Ooh, I’m sorry,” I said, “I’m afraid I don’t have one.”

This didn’t seem to have any effect. “I’m going to need a number,” he said again, and then again, and then again. Each time I shrugged and stammered, terrified that I might be sent to the back of the queue or worse, into the little room with the men in Marigolds. But I simply didn’t have an answer.

“I’m going to need a number,” he said again, giving the distinct impression that he was an autobank, and that this was a conversation he was prepared to endure until one of us died. So with a great deal of bravery I decided to give him one. And the number I chose was 2,649,347.

This, it turned out, was fine. HeÂ’d been told by his superiors to get a number. IÂ’d given him a number. His job was done and so, just an hour or so later, I was on the streets of Los Angeles doing a piece to camera.

Except, of course, I wasnÂ’t. Technically you need a permit to film on every street in pretty well every corner of the world. But the only countries where this rule is enforced are Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea and the United States of America.

So, seconds after breaking out the tripod, a policeman pulled up and demanded that we show him our permit. We had one that covered the city of Los Angeles . . . except the bit where we were. So we were moved on.

The next day I was moved on in Las Vegas too because the permit I had didnÂ’t cover the part of the pavement I was standing on. Eight inches away was fine.

You need a permit to do everything in America. You even need a passport to buy a drink. But interestingly you don’t need one if you wish to rent some guns and some bullets. I needed a 50 cal (very big) machinegun. “No problem,” said the man at the shop. “But could you just sign this assuring us that the movie you’re making is not anti-Bush or anti-war.”

Also, you do not need a permit if you want — as I did — to transport a dead cow on the roof of your car through the Florida panhandle. That’s because this is banned by a state law.

Think about that. Someone has gone to all the bother and expense of drawing up a law that means that at some point lots of people were moving dead cows about on their cars. It must have been popular. Fashionable even.

Anyway, back to the guns. I needed them because I wished to shoot a car in the Mojave desert. But you canÂ’t do that without the say-so of the local fire chief who turned up, with his haircut, to say that for reasons he couldnÂ’t explain, he had a red flag in his head.

You find this a lot in America. People way down the food chain are given the power to say yes or no to elaborately prepared plans, just so their bosses can’t be sued. One expression that simply doesn’t translate from English in these days of power without responsibility is “Ooh, I’m sure it’ll be fine”.

And, unfortunately, these people at the bottom of the food chain have no intellect at all. Reasoning with them is like reasoning with a tree. I think this is because people in the sticks have stopped marrying their cousins and are now mating with vegetables.

They certainly aren’t eating them. You see them growing in fields, but all you ever find on a menu is cheese, cheese, cheese, or cheese with cheese. Except for a steak and cheese sandwich I bought in Mississippi. This was made, according to the label, from “imitation cheese”.

Nope, I donÂ’t know what that is either but I do know that out of the main population centres, the potato people are getting fatter and dimmer by the minute.

Today the average petrol pump attendant is capable, just, of turning on a pump when you prepay. But if you pay for two pumps to be turned on to fill two cars, you can, if you stare carefully, see wisps of smoke coming from her fat, useless, war losing, acne-scarred, gormless turnip face.

And the awful thing is that you donÂ’t want the petrol anyway, because itÂ’ll simply get you to somewhere else, which will be worse. A point I shall prove next week when we have a look at what happened in Alabama. And why the poor of New Orleans will sue if the donation you make isnÂ’t as big as theyÂ’d hoped for.,,24389-2252271,00.html

- Piski