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HomeTorstai 24.01.2008 21:14

I just feel like dying right now
I didn't know I still was this vulnerable to sadness - I thought I had gotten stronger
I don't understand, why do I always have to live on the edge
I've lived here so long

It's my Home
But now, now it's going away
I don't want to leave my Home
It's where I belong

And so I cry
Cry watching my Home slip away from me
I'm drifting away also
I've got no place to go
No place to live my life

So I think ending it again
Why shouldn't I
When the Sun of my life is taken away from me
Why shouldn't I

I'm so hollow right now
I've got no spirit left
I'm just a shell without my Home

It was all I had
My Haven
My Hell
My Home

The memories - good and bad - remain

I knew it had to end sometime
But that time came too soon
I wasn't ready yet

Goodbye Home
You know I always loved you dearly
Goodbye Home

© Saz

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