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Wow! (And not World of Warcraft, but just "wow".. xDD)

I finally got a digibox. I really don't watch TV much, but there are a few series I'd like to see, and it's been frustrating not being able to see them because of this stupid digital era bugging in. Seriously. What good has it brought? Constantly I hear complaints about how the subtitles don't work etc. And so now we can watch a few more channels. Oh wippee. More channels _not_ to watch, because there's nothing coming on.

Blah to the whole digital world! Computers could stay, but I think even them are too developed nowadays. I have never really liked any reforms.. I like to stick with old and familiar. ^__^

And I really have always kinda believed in the Matrix story. You know, how machines take over the world.. If we keep on developing the machines more and more, surely they will topple us human. I just can't understand why scientist need to work on with AI (artificial intelligence = tekoäly). We've managed just fine without that kinda thing, so why wouldn't we survive from now on..?

But I guess in the end, it's all about development. I just hope I don't need to see the day when people have robots on their home like it's nothing. I promise you here and now, if in my lifetime there comes a chance to get a robot on your home, I'm not going to grab that chance, but just let it slip away.

I don't care if people would say I'm old-fashioned, because I like to be. ^^ Sometimes I really wish there would be no cars, but we'd still be using horse carriages and such.. Oh well. You can always dream. xD

Didn't I sail far away from my starter topic.. again. xD I just can't help it how my thought go from one side to the other in a nanosecond. I'm such a confusing person. (≧∇≦)

But. Enough of this. I'll go and watch some good videos. (人´∀`)

And tonight I'll finally see Lost. I sure as hell won't know anything that's going on in there for not seeing the series for two and a half months.. XD

Ok. Bye now everybody! (^__^)/

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