


found the deep love inside

weird dream last nightKeskiviikko 28.06.2006 14:12

Woah, what a weird dream I had last night. For such a long time I haven't had a dream about musicians and yesterday even about two, hehe lets say two in one.

The explanation in brackets is the similarity in real life.

The first one was situated on our high school party at the end of our studies, it was some leaving party or better to say ball.

I left pretty fast after beginning (at our leaving party I left after one hour or so and my teacher reproached it to me yesterday) and went to some kaffee. There was Eicca from Apocalyptica and I went straight to him (hehe, this will never happen in reality that I would dare to go to some person, not even famous) and started to talk to him about music. He was nice and we talked a bit, I asked about Kalevala (Finnish national epos). If Kalevala theme reflects in their lyrics/songs and he said yes. Then I had to leave to the leaving party again, it was important and he promised me to wait for me so he went away with me to that party.

I sat down at a table and Eicca sat down near my table so I could clearly see him.

Then it was the end of the ceremony and we met again to going on talking about music but my first dream ended up in here so have no clue what happened next maybe I asked him, if the music of Jean Sibelius influenced their music lol.

But I have no idea why Eicca was in my dream. I like some songs by Apocalyptica but I don't know all of their work and I didn't even browse the internet to search for sth about Apo so really have no clue why he was in my dream.

The second dream was weirdest. I know why I dreamt like that. Becoz of this picture:

I found it out yesterday, the pic from Raumanmeren Juhannus 2006 and I was pretty angry.

Look at Teemu, hes wearing dress, same idea like Eero (TR) had few years ago, Jussi wearing the same sweater like Eero in recent gigs and Antti (actually he is a sweetheart, so I couldn't be angry at him that much) looks like bald, since when he's wearing scarf?
Oki, there is nothing weird about what they wear, the scarf is pretty useful esp. in summer, the sweater is probably more uncomfortable in summer, but that's Jussi, what we would expect from him? And the dress, its quite comfortable to wear it in summer, esp. without underwear!

But you know, I was angry (not that much but still) becoz of the similarity with TR.
Actually I respect when Janne told me he doesn't like TR, I respect their opinions, I respect even what Teemu says about TR in media but hey, some things are too much he can express his thoughts (we live in democracy, at least I hope so) but some of his words get me angry. How can he even dare? *no, stay calm*

So about the dream. It was in my bedroom, my friend came to me and brought me new album of Uniklubi (will be released in first quarter of 2007 maybe) so we listened to it.

First song was like it was sang by a woman, no Uniklubi sound at all, second one was I think Huomenna (so definitely Unis song) and the third one. Actually it didn't sound like Uni again, was sang by other male artist but I thought it's by Uniklubi anyway. It was a coversong from The Rasmus. And becoz I was so freaked out from yesterday (the similarity with TR in dressing, esp. Teemu) I got angry that Uniklubi even dare to make a coversong from The Rasmus (have no clue which one unfortunately). Actually it wasn't that bad one, but I thought it's by Uniklubi so I was swearing and for me it was shit what they did.

Then suddenly appeared Jussi (singer of Uni) right in front of me in my small room. He probably sang the coversong and I started to beat him and he fell down to the ground.

Well, when I woke up, I was pretty ashamed that I was so angry with him becoz of nothing but hey, it was a dream, in reality I can't even kill a fly (coz it's too fast for me). No, I probably know why I was dreaming like that.

Yesterday I had quite bad day so first came Eicca (it could be any other person in the world) and comforted me becoz I could speak about my fave theme, music. And then I was a bit angry with esp. Teemu and Jussi and becoz I would never ever express my anger in reality, at least it vaporized in that dream.

PS: take it just like a dream, no offence to anyone!

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