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Viisi kertaa taserilla riittaa!Sunnuntai 24.05.2009 18:52

Tapahtui lokakuussa 2007 Vancouverin lentoasemalla Kanadassa. Olin taannoin kiinnostunut aiheesta, mutta nyt tormasin sattumalta videoon Youtubessa surffatessani. 40-vuotias englantia puhumaton puolalainen rakennustyolainen Robert Dziekanski parahtaa, alkaa huutamaan "Pierdolic!" (fuck) ja heittelemaan tavaraa, mutta ilmeisesti ei hyokkaa kenenkaan paalle, odoteltuaan lentoasemalla kymmenen tuntia aitiaan.

Kielivaikeuksien takia mieheen ei saada yhteytta. Vartija haluaa lopettaa arvuuttelun siita mita kielta mies puhuu "He speaks Russian, and thats it.", jossa kohtaa repesin. Muuten ei sitten niin kauheasti naurattanutkaan.

Poliisi, esimies ja kolme alaista, saapuu paikalle ja yksi virka-asuinen hyppyritukka kysyy ensimmaisena esimiehelta "Can I taser him?" ja saa luvan. Sitten alkaa taser-iloittelu kun poliisit raiskyttavat miesta viisi kertaa taserilla. Lattialla satkyttelevaa Dziekanskia kasketaan laittamaan kadet niskan taakse. Sitten hanta sidotaan koko porukan voimin ja ilmeisesti siina lomassa han saa viela pari annosta taserista, ja kuolee. Cowboyt ja pyssyt.

Ensin poliisi takavarikoi kannykan jolla video kuvattiin ja palautti puhelin ilman korttia. Myohemmin kuvaaja sai korttinsa takaisin ja laittoi video Youtubeen. Poliisin tiedottaja ilmoittaa etta video on "vain yhden ihmisen nakemys tapahtuneesta".

Kolme poliiseista jatkaa normaalista paivatyossaan, esimies on hyllytettyna muihin virkarikkomuksiin liittyen. Voin kuvitella kuinka hyppyritukkainen poliisi menee kotiinsa tapauksen jalkeen, esittaa hyvaa miesta ja katumusta, menee sunnuntaina kirkkoon, ja yhteiso ja Jumala armahtaa hanet. Naitahan voi sattua kenelle tahansa, ja kaikki me tiedamme etta John on hyva jatka.

Kanada on purkanut Puolan ja Kanadan valisia sopimuksia siten etta Puolan poliisi ei voi suorittaa tutkintaa Kanadassa.

Jos haluat vahingoittaa lahimmaisia ilman seurauksia, ala jaakiekkoilijaksi tai jalkapalloilijaksi. Jos taas tykkaat tappamisesta, on poliisin ura hyva vaihtoehto, laki on puolellasi ja valta sinulla.

Alkuperainen kannykkakamera-video loytyy Youtuben Raw-osiosta.
Poland’s Soviet experience during the World War II begun with what Poles call “stab on the back”, on 17th September 1939 when Red Army joined the German Wehrmacht in invasion against Poland. Soviet propaganda spoke only of liberation of areas East to Curzon-line, which in fact were inhabited largely by other groups than Poles; Poland’s Eastern half was area governed by Poles but inhabited by mix of national groups: Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Jews, just to name the largest groups. What Soviets did not tell in their propaganda, however, was that Molotov-Ribbentrop –pact included secret additional protocol where Nazi-Germany and Soviet Union were agreed to divide spheres of influence in Eastern Europe; Poland was to be divided fifty-fifty, three small Baltic states, Finland and Bessarabia (part of Rumania) would also, according to this plan, fall under Soviet control.

Before this the Polish-Soviet relations were icy. There was history of Polish-Soviet war in 1920-1 and in Poland new Soviet Russia had very bad image in which traditional anti-Russia feelings now accompanied with anti-Bolshevism. Red terror rampaged in Russia, and new Soviet country fell in almost total isolation... and then this weird-bird outcast country eventually was to find itÂ’s partner in another powerful country which felt humiliation, Germany. Then, after the Soviet invasion to East Poland in September of 1939 there was practically no contacts.

Nazi-Germany and Soviet Union both started to conduct anti-Polish policies (and anti-Jewish policies, I would say also by the Soviets since one out of every three persons deported from East Poland in 1939-41 was Jewish, of which many were refugees from the West, and, ironically, many of their lives were saved by being deported to the East by the NKVD (Narodny Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del. – the powerful Soviet political police) so they never fell into the hands of Nazis), which included elimination of Polish intelligencia. Katyn is one example of this kind in which 20-thousand Polish reservist officers were shot to death by NKVD after their capitulation, crime that could have been done by the Nazis, as they did many, and as Soviet propaganda blamed after the Katyn findings in 1943, but which was done by Soviet hands; by doing Katyn killings they wanted to eliminate the potential leaders for opposition and resistance in the area. Case of Katyn remains as open wound in Polish-Russian relations till today.

Following to occupations, Polish government flew to France, and then to Britain, but also prominent Underground state was organized in Nazi occupied Poland (in Soviet occupied half the attempts to arrange this type of organization grew vain, largely cause of Poles made only one part of areas nationalities and, for example, Ukrainians and Belarusians had different objectives they wanted to achieve). The Polish Underground state was to come highly important source of information about Nazi plans for the Allies, it is said that 40% of all significant intelligence information that the Allied leadership received was gathered by Polish underground working in Poland risking their life.

Hitler’s attack on Soviet Union changed international situation and Stalin started to look for friends from countries and forces that opposed Hitler. In this point Anthony Eden, Foreign Secretary of Britain, persuaded Polish Prime Minister Wladyslaw Sikorski to open negotiations with Soviet Union. 5th of July 1941 Sikorski opened negotiations with Soviet Union’s ambassador in London, Ivan Maisky, and in 30th of same month agreement was signed. A further military alliance was signed soon in Moscow in 14th of August. Soviet Union agreed to declare previous pacts with Germany now null and void, however, one of the most painful issues for the Poles, Soviet occupation in Eastern part of the country in 1939-41, was out of the desk (although theoretically invalidated as part of German-Soviet treaties). Stalin granted “amnesty” to thousands of Poles who had been deported into the depths of Soviet Union, often to Kazakhstan, and released tens of thousands Polish POW’s from Soviet prison camps, thus was so-called Anders Army created under the command of Polish general Wladyslaw Anders, it was 40-thousand strong fighting force which first moved to Iran (with some significant amount, 70-thousand Polish civilians), then Iraq (now that Poland is one of the countries fighting in Bush’ Coalition in Iraq, some Iraqis still remembered Polish presence from World War II, and were having positive disposition towards Poles) and Palestine to fight alongside with Western Allies forces against German and Italian forces in Egypt and finally in Italy. Fate of some 20-thousand missing Polish officers remained still in shadows until 1943.

In January 1942 Polish Communist Party is formed, by parachute-dropping forces from the Soviet Union, Polish communists trained in Moscow, to join with local factions. They set up Krajowa Rada Narodowa, led by Boleslaw Bierut, which was nucleosis for the coming Communist government. Then when Red Army marched over Curzon-line in the July of 1944 they declared Communist government (so-called “Lublin Poland”). On 21th July Moscow radio announces the establishment of the Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN).

On first of August 1944 Polish Home Army starts uprising at Warsaw, as a part of nationwide rebellion “Operation Tempest” against German occupation. Result to this, Home Army liberated many towns and also significant part of Warsaw. Objectives for Home Army action were naturally the liberation of Polish areas from German control, but also they had planned to establish Polish governing on the liberated towns before the Red Army would come. In many places so was done, but Soviets simply didn’t respect this and Polish officials were arrested by the NKVD. What happened in Warsaw was that Red Army didn’t simply take action to help the rising Poles, even when it was standing in the other side of Vistula, stopped from Moscow, waiting the Poles 63-day fight to be over, then watching the Germans obtilerate the city, and only then marching in as “liberators”. Only small help was given from the Soviet side to the Poles in Warsaw during the rising when troops from Stalin’s Polish 2nd Army crossed Vistula only to meet with German machine-gunfire when they got across. More than this, Stalin did not agree to let Allied planes to land on Soviet controlled zone when trying to drop aids to the Poles in Warsaw, so the pilots had to operate from Italy and fly to Poland and back over hostile enemy-held territories. Members of Home Army were hunted and arrested by Soviet officials, who then were, in the best case, annexed to Polish Communist army, or in worst case killed, as was destiny for the Home Army command which fell into Soviet hands. After the war was over Poland was basically in state of civil war, which had only one way to end.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 19.05.2009 03:12

Kiira says:
haluaisin päästä vielä tänään tasolle 20 mut ei taida onnistua.. :(

Gdzie tanczycie, Polska i Rosja? Sunnuntai 17.05.2009 19:53

Ukraina Lviv,_Lvov,_Ukraine_2007.jpg&filetimestamp=20080523075441
Hyvin tyypillinen puolalainen kaupunki kapeine katuineen ja toreineen, kuin mika tahansa muu puolalainen Itavalta-Unkarin vaikutuspiirissa ollut kaupunki, mutta katukyltit lukevat kyrillisin aakkosin. Alue ollut suurimman osan historiaansa Puolaa, vaikka puolalaiset muodostaneet ehka vain kolmanneksen vaestosta., Kiev
Tyyli hyvin erilainen. Vanhemmalta rakennuskannaltaan itaslaavilainen ja bysanttilainen. Aiti-isanmaan megalomaaninen patsas noudattelee neuvostotyylia, ja muistuttaa Suuresta Isanmaallisesta Sodasta (Neuvostoliitto vs fasismi), mahtaakohan kukaan edes tietaa kuinka moni ukrainalainen taisteli natsi-Saksan joukoissa puna-armeijaa vastaan, mutta heita oli paljon. Ja voitettavanaan heilla oli vain huonoja vaihtoehtoja, vrt. Vlassovin kohtalo.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 12.05.2009 02:02

Saatans ku kaipaan suomalaista (turkkilaista) pitsaa ja kepaapia!

OjczycznaMaanantai 11.05.2009 06:56

Kuinka tavalliset isanmaalliset puolalaiset haluavat muistaa historiaansa (nyt en tarkoita aarinationalisteja, joilla on paljon synkempia nakemyksia vahemmistoista, kuten ukrainalaisista, ja etenkin juutalaisista): Sabaton 40:1. Ruotsalainen yhtye tehnyt vastaavia kappaleita myos muille kuin puolalaisille. "Talvisota" lienee "40:1" jalkeen suosituin kappale. Wehrmacht-runkkareille on omansa Erwin Rommel-biisin muodossa, ja tottakai loytyy myos Saving Private Ryan-aiheinen kipale. (Ja kylla, Puola on hullu keikkamaa.) Katyn, elokuva joka sai puolalaiset vanhukset kyynelehtimaan.

Ja mita he eivat niin usein halua muistaa: Jedwabne-dokumentti. Huom. Kannattaa katsoa ainakin kahden vanhan Jedwabnen asukkaan, puolalaisen ja juutalaisen, valinen keskustelu. Huomattavaa myos vanhojen, nyt eripuolilla maailmaa asuvien jedwabnenjuutalaisten sailynyt puolan kielen taito. Dokumentissa esiintyva Jedwabnen nyt entinen pormestari, koulutukseltaan matemaatikko, asuu ja tyoskentelee nykyaan Chicagossa rakennustyolaisena. Han katsoi parhaaksi vaihtaa maisemaa dokumentin jalkeen saatuaan paikkakunnalla lukuisia tappouhkauksia.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 08.05.2009 22:26 Chicken dance, dormitory version

Piejo KuryPerjantai 08.05.2009 06:20 Tanssihitti Puolasta kolmen vuoden takaa.

Dormitory-versio tulee perassa ,)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 07.05.2009 05:02

Jalkapallohuligaanien lisaksi Puolasta loytaa kauniita kaupunkeja (poislukien Katowice ja suuri osa Varsovaa), tunnelmallisine, hamyisasti valaistuine, kivettyine kujineen. Ja huimasti vaihtelevaa luontoa. Kauniita ihmisia. Persoonallisia, usein maanalaisia, pubeja. Vahvaa olutta. Uskomattoman yoelaman. Dynaamisen musiikkiscenen (etenkin disco polo). Aidon maaseudun. Kun yhdistaa nama asiat siihen mika taalla on enemman kyseenalaista on tuloksena jotain mika ei ole ainakaan tylsaa. Voin vain kuvitella vieroitusoireiden maaraa sitten kun palaan Suomeen.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 07.05.2009 00:35

Brittitoimittajan dokumentti Puolan huligaaneista Krakovaan keskittyen. Dramatisoinneista huolimatta ihan jees. Tarjoaa myos hyvia nakymia kotikaupungistani. Asun suurinpiirtein tuossa rajalla missa toimittaja ensimmaisen osan viimeminuutilla esittelee Wislan ja Cracovian rajan kulkevan tuossa kentalla. Tiimien seurat ovat molemmin puolin kenttaa.