


Wannabe Daywalker

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so pissed only english will do.Sunnuntai 10.06.2007 18:49

grrrrh. so i visited youtube (long time no see) and it occurred me i could check if there was any videos about Jakotsu. sure there was, for example the lovely scene where Bankotsu hugs him ("You're the only one I can really trust!") in the original language. i've only seen the episodes dubbed in english... so anyways, as i myself found out couple of days ago (though it was no surprise really), in both english and japanese dubbing Jakotsu's voice is a woman's (in fact, the original voice actress Ai Orikasa is also the voice of Tohma Seguchi in Gravitation). that's totally cool in my opinion, after all Jakotsu is a gay, he looks very feminine, his lips are red and all in all, it would be hard for me to imagine he had a regular man's voice.

but those lowlifes in youtube (well i suppose it's not only there, heh)! some of them just keep whining: "is Jakotsu man or a woman? oh dear i'm confused!" and "why on earth does he have a girl's voice? he is a man! in german version he has a man's voice!" ARGH. i may be obsessed, i may be naive, i may be pure idiot but it just completely pisses me off! come on! it's not like it's the first time a woman plays man or other way round! YOU DON'T REALLY THINK BART SIMPSON'S VOICE ACTOR IS A MAN, DO YOU?!?!? just wake up!!! and yeah i know the few of you who read this couldn't care less about this subject but it happens to matter to me! it's a bit like the scene in Fruits Basket: why should Momiji wear boy's school uniform when girl's uniform suits him so much better? just get a life!

the few of you who still are not frightened away by this nonsense... if you care about my sanity, NEVER watch Inuyasha dubbed in german. thankies.

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